Ensure the freedom for patients to obtain life-saving opioid pain relief! repeal the cara act! amend the csa as requested by dr richard lawhern!

We need NULLIFICATION of all laws, statutes, rules, and regulations that were passed based on the false narratives perpetrated by the CDC, namely, that the cause of the overdose death crisis was caused by prescription opioid medications! Congress, state legislatures, and state medical boards did no due diligence to find out if the CDC was telling the TRUTH about proper, appropriate opioid pain relief, and therefore all of the subsequent laws must be REMOVED! This includes the CARA ACT, this includes amending the Controlled Substances Act as previously requested of the House Subcommittee on Health by Dr Richard Lawhern to remove the ability of the DEA or any state law enforcement from being able to prosecute doctors for treating pain. This includes removing the DEA control over production and distribution of opioid pain relievers. This includes nullification of the 47 States’ Attorneys Generals’ settlement with opioid manufacturers and distributors, who had NO PART in the illicit fentanyl analog compound poisonings death crisis! This includes REVERSING the current UNSCIENTIFIC AGENDA of the federal government agencies and states to BAN all opioid prescribing, for any reason, at all, EVER, because prescription opioid medications are NOT THE PROBLEM! Thousands of intractable pain patients have died since the 2016 CDC Guidelines were issued. WE NEED ACTION NOW!


This is absolutely correct. I have a genetic disorder that causes chronic pain. Sadly many others with my condition have lost their lives due to uncontrolled pain; they simply choose to end their suffering since they cannot get the help they desperately need. It’s cruel and inhumane to force such limitations on treatments for innocent doctors and patients. We are treated like criminals every time we go to the doctor, hospital or pharmacy. We have to take multiple drug tests throughout the year like convicts, our scripts cannot be transferred if the pharmacy cannot fill them, and various other hurdles. Then we run into drug shortages at the end of the year when manufacturers have reached their limit arbitrarily imposed by the DEA.


Please take a look at my policy proposal. Opioid pandemic crisis solution: Prescriptions for controlled substances to be dispensed in a container with a locking lid designed for single pill access

Unfortunately, when doctors weren’t regulated by such acts that you listed, they were over prescribing and this did lead to a staggering number of misuse, abuse, street sales and death. My proposition would allow doctors to feel comfortable prescribing such substances again but with checks and balances to keep patients safe and accountable. It’s sad that many people are unable to obtain narcotics due to fear of prosecution and malpractice on the prescriber. I’d be hesitant to prescribe such medications as well knowing the repercussions. This proposal I submitted would take away the regulations from the government agencies and put the power back into the doctors and patients hands while promoting a safe and controlled use.


Actually, studies of the data just published show that prescription medications were NEVER a causal factor in overdose deaths. You can email me at thepainlawsuit@gmail.com and I can send it to you


Very much agree with you here!


We pain patients are already treated as if we are all criminals for living in pain. This is the reason I no longer have my pain treated. Living in a nanny state has cost us all enough, by losing most every right. You are also adding more cost to people that are lucky to move around, let alone work. Any device you create will cost the patient. End user always gets the raw end of others bright ideas. Also, anything you can create to disperse can easily be bypassed, adding cost and saving no one.


NOT treating chronic painful medical conditions with PROVEN medications like Opiods is INHUMANE & CRUEL. Being labeled & treated like a drug addict because a person has a PAINFUL MEDICAL CONDITION is WRONG…Especially when the Federal government agreed with doctors that a person is disabled and can’t work, they get SSI / SSDI… Isn’t it illegal to refuse to treat Disabled people with pain medication? Giving over the counter pain medication doesn’t work on a person with a Serious medical condition - especially since the federal government says it’s a painful medical condition. Discrimination to those in pain.
Need the DEA & DOJ to STOP prosecuting doctors for doing their jobs . Having a verified painful medical condition does not mean you are a drug addict or mentally unstable.
Need production of opiods to Increase not decrease/omit.
Give people back the medicine that worked for them. Let the Patient decide if they want to take the risk of addiction in order to treat their painful medical condition!! I want to go back to work but only if the pain is addressed. People can NOT be productive member of society if their medical needs are not getting met.


Its honestly no ones business how people take or use the medications. We supposedly live in a free society. Have patients educated, write rx, and get out of the way. Im an adult. Im 60. Im fully aware and able to control my own behavior. If release from liability should happen. Make it so. Irresponsible people will continue to take some form of medication without regulation. But chronic pain patients jumping through hoops should not be happening.


No excuses… MDs are " supposed" to be for Good of the patient. By oath. They have stood down in majority knowing it to be wrong. Letting patients suffer and many die. The amount of suicides sky rocketed in chronic pain patients.


Yes sir! This. Theyve made sick people look like addicts. War on the sick.


As someone with Multiple Sclerosis and Trigeminal Neuralgia, often aka (suicide disease), without these medications I’d be bedridden. I’m only 51, I’ve been in this for 20 years. There can not possibly be a civilization without opioid pain medication. I’m sorry for those that have SUD, but their issues should not keep me from having a quality of life, period…
Just because we have a chronic illness doesn’t mean we can be thrown away, these medications are our lifeline…


Yes, we need to get the DEA and any other three letter agency out between the patient and the doctor get them out of the doctors office


Oh yes I have been without my pain medicine over half of this year and to replace they use methadone. That had all my other doctors treating me as if I had oud and those three letters are ridiculous all by its self much less all the government overreach that has be happening for far too long. I’m tired absolutely drained. I’m am tired of every month being this giant hurdle I have to jump through to get pain medication to help me have a life. The receptionist and med assistant treat us all as if we are there for a fix. When we have stacks and stacks of mri ct and notes to back up why we are in pain but they don’t look or try to see of hear us they just heard us through and all they care about is staying out of prison. Of course I understand that but I know I can’t be the only one tired of the games the government has us playing.


This is such an important bill. I have Mixed Connections Tissue Disease. Proper pain management would allow me to keep exercising and walking which helps me stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. My kidneys are at risk from all of the Motrin I take. My PCM would like for me to get onto opioids to protect them. He said he sees a fair amount of kidney failure in patients like me from both the disease and NSAIDS. A one size fits all approach is dangerous for my health and frankly I am tired of spending days in bed during a flare.


Hi David,

Regarding the number in your claim : [Thousands of intractable pain patients have died since the 2016 CDC Guidelines were issued.] do you know of a real number or close ballpark? any other STATS would be appreciated, so I can respond with a better understanding of how BAD, BARBARIC and UNFORGIVABLE this tyranny is.

Your Humble Servant


Does anyone know at least ballpark stats for:
Suicide Deaths of pain patients:
Forced Taper Deaths:
Withdrawal Deaths:
Overall Patient Deaths:
Current Day Under Prescribed?
JFK Data:



Agree. I would add that an age limit be added for unrestricted use such as age 60 when pain is common, similar to alcohol. By this age (or another one) people have avoided dependency issues and who cares if a senior citizen does become dependent. Doctors would still have to control doses to prevent selling and overdoses.
This would remove the demand for fetinol also. At ages below 60 some restrictions could apply but should still be available to those who need it for pain.


My reply is awaiting moderation approval. If you send me email to thepainlawsuit at Gmail dot com, I can send my reply to you from there.


Well I know that patient outcomes were NOT tracked. The University of Alabama is trying to catalogue deaths by suicide right now.


I have spoken with one of the researchers there and she told me that she has been collecting reports since 2022 and has logged 1,206 so far. I have spoken with folks at American Pain and Disability Foundation who have manned veteran suicide hotlines for many years who say that the suicide numbers approach 25,000 going back to 2016, maybe even a bit before. The University of Alabama has not published any numbers yet. But, we also know that people die from medical complications as well. And, I have reports of surgical patients whose pain was ignored and they suffer complications and never made it out of the hospital. The Brittany Hightower sickle cell case in Houston, TX comes to mind. And an open heart surgery patient given only Tylenol and his uncontrolled pain made his blood pressure so high that it exploded the area of the heart which had surgery and he did not survive. So, to answer the question, my best guess is that they have KILLED as many people as one of the annual fentanyl death counts (which keeps rising every year, although they slightly decreased in the last year reported, 2022 or 2023). But, we will never know unless a comprehensive forensic study of all the patient files is done, a massive project that the government would have to fund. Very scary topic.


I was able to go and walked 2.5 miles a day when I was treated properly the last time. That’s before my about to be 6th surgery in a year and I’m looking at 3 possibly 4 more to come. Anyhow I was taking moriphine 30 mg twice a day and levorphnol 3times a day. Then in 2020 my doctor took the morphine away and made me quit taking my Clonopin. I do have pain care and I am truly scared to say that because at any damn moment it could be gone. I hate the stress all month worrying but not to panic level no that comes when I have a appointment and my medication needs to be ordered and the office staff is rude and memorized my number and won’t answer and then have the lady that does the appointments treats you as if you’re needing a fix not a prescription. She will go over time to call my meds in. Then I go see the doc and he repeats I’ll need to drop one of your meds after these surgeries but how silly is it to stop my medication at all why not just keep me on it because I’m a big girl and have autonomy in my care. How about I’m not dead. So it’s safe or I’d be dead. Hell I was on the moriphine and levorphnol for 4years and didn’t die. I hate the gross negligence the 3 letter branches of government say no and spats my hand like I’m stilling from the cookie jar. Why what’s behind the suffering and who has made money off of our suffering. I believe in my heart there are connections and someone gets that quick pro quo I mean they push 2 meds on people with “OUD”the made up disease that’s laughable. I know I am sick of being put through impossible hoops for just enough relief to get out of bed and lay on the couch. It’s amazing to me that we are pushed to take butrans in the cheek that is rotting teeth and the patch that I had to wear for a month. I didn’t do well with it. I was with my previous doctor at this time anyway I had 3 rd degree burns where the medicine goes on the skin. I went in showed my doctor and he made me tape it back on and wait and keep using the patches until the next month appointment and then he gave me the levorphnol like I told him what I was currently taking and he made me take nucynta caused serotonin syndrome and then the butrans patch before he would just give me back levorphnol. Some pharmacies lie and say they are out because they can because somehow our healthcare team just don’t care and treat us all like we’re addicts needing our fix.