Ending farming subsidies (with an emphasis on grains

Ending Grain Farming Subsidies

I propose that the following 3 policy proposals, about ending subsidies, get merged:


Written by @FreeThinker


Written by @Derek McDonnell


Written by @Rob Moore

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…after searching further
Written by @ Rooster Cogburnliberty1776


Explanation & Justification

Policy #2 and #3 should be merged into #1 since they all propose ending farming food subsidies, but while #2 and #3 do a better job of explaining the “why” #1 goes into a lot more detail about the how, and adds the aspect of foreign subsidies.

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This one is also the same subject:
Rooster Cogburnliberty1776

End subsidies on corn, wheat and soy and shift over to fruits and vegetables

Nice comprehensive list on several people who have suggested the same solution.

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Id like to see all subsidies dissappear honestly. In a true market, the market itself will show what’s needed. By the power of consumers buying said products. This is the same as subsiding any product. Subsidising a product to get people to buy it is ridiculous. People want it or not. In this topic however subsiding kills crop rotation and kills the fact of farmers producing what’s needed. Killing the land, as it’s well known much of our farmland wouldn’t grow anything without fertilizer. Because the farmers keep growing the same crop year after year.