End lifetime pay and benefits for politicians

We need to end lifetime pay and benefits for any and all persons in government positions. No person continues to receive paychecks from companies that they formerly held positions for, nor should those who have served in government positions.

If lifetime pay and benefits are allowed to persist, then term limits will only cause America to be stifled by the constantly growing pension of past politicians.


And NONE of them should be millionaires


First it should start with term limits. And once a politicians term is over, so are all the benefits. The politicians in our government leave their jobs multi millionaires and there is no reason that any of them should get life time salary and benefits. You are now out of service of the government, get a job with benefits… it was never meant to be a life time entitlement! Billions could be saved moving forward if this was eliminated!!


Make all government officials and employees when they retire be forced to buy at least partial health insurance beside cutting off their life payments


I agree!!


I am in favor that politicians be able to use a 401k or equivalent. We should eliminate a full pension for only 2 years of service. They should get the equivalent of contributing for 2 years or 2 years of vesting.

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ABSOLUTELY AGREE. They oftentimes create a money laundering scheme back to themselves, more than their salary every could have afforded them. Back in the day, running for and service in public office was a privledge and an honor. You didnt make much money…but you received a good reputation for serving your fellow man. These days, salaries are jokes…the real money comes from “selling out America and Americans” in exchange for foreign kickbacks when you see these representitives and senators vote for sending taxpayer monies overseas (mainly as expenses to foreign wars).

These days, congressmen go into office when they are worth less than a million $…43 years later, they come out with a net worth of 83 million $. What in the hell did they do to earn that (except for playing insider trading to congressional votes prior to their voting). These Congressional rodents need to vacate the House and Senate, paving the way for honest representatives to serve the will of the American people. Do we even need to bring up “lifetime pay and benefits” after what was just layed out? End ALL benefits immediately after serving time. Its not rocket science.