End All Foreign Aid

The US Gov Spends nearly $61 Billion + annually on Foreign Aid that’s nearly $200 annually going from each individual citizen to foreign nations who mock us, take advantage of us, and do not benefit the lives of the Americans in any way. Typically this Aid is used to fund both sides of conflicts, (Israel&Iran being a recent example) resulting not only in countless unnecessary death/destruction worldwide but also the devaluation of the US Dollar and increased global tension.

Rather than funding foreign nations and pretending to be the world police. why wouldn’t we use that $61 billion annually here at home to strengthen our defenses (in hopes we will never have to use them) This includes weaponry, pay for service members, modernization and technological advancements.

Isolationism has been given a negative connotation Post WW2 but America was truly at its most free when we isolated ourselves from the rest of the world and their conflicts.

Not another dime of money should go to any other nation

America First. Period


If they need money it’s in the form of a loan and if they don’t reply sanctions.


It’s easy to look at that $61 billion figure and think the money is simply being funneled out of the country with no benefit to Americans, but that’s not the full story. A significant portion of military aid doesn’t just disappear into thin air—it stays right here, paying American companies and workers. Defense contractors, for example, employ thousands of U.S. citizens, and their work on contracts linked to foreign aid helps spur economic activity across industries. These funds go toward salaries, technological advancements, and innovations that keep us ahead globally. So, while it may look like money being given away, much of it is actually invested back into our own economy.

Beyond the dollars and cents, pulling back from supporting our allies can lead to something far more dangerous—power vacuums. When we abandon those who rely on us, adversaries like Russia and China are quick to step in. We’ve seen it happen before, and it puts our national security at risk. If our allies crumble, it doesn’t just affect them—it affects us. Instability in one part of the world ripples out, creating conflict that inevitably drags us in. By supporting our allies, we’re investing in a more stable, secure world, which benefits us all.

Isolationism sounds appealing on the surface, but in practice, it weakens our position in the world. When America steps back, others step forward, and the consequences come knocking on our door. Investing in our allies is a way to protect ourselves in the long run, keeping threats at bay and preventing conflicts that could cost us far more down the road.

The notion that foreign aid is somehow diverting funds away from domestic priorities oversimplifies how government spending actually works. Most of this aid is financed through debt, meaning it’s not a direct trade-off between helping our allies and addressing needs at home. We aren’t choosing one over the other. It’s a misconception to suggest that the money we send abroad could simply be redirected to domestic projects, as these funds exist in separate contexts.

Additionally, much of the aid is channeled back into our economy through defense contracts, benefiting U.S. companies, workers, and industries. This reinvestment stimulates economic growth and contributes to our GDP, supporting jobs and innovation right here at home. So, rather than seeing foreign aid as purely an expense, it’s better understood as an investment that bolsters our economy while strengthening our global standing.

We absolutely need to increase investment domestically, but claiming that foreign aid takes away from that isn’t accurate. The two can coexist, and in many cases, they complement each other. By ensuring our allies remain stable and secure, we protect our own interests and avoid the far greater costs of instability and conflict down the road.

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I’m in favor of ending all aid when we are in a deficit. Foreign aid only if and when we have a proper Ouse nation and take care of our citizens first.


I would ban all foreign aid permanently.


It’s time to invest significantly less

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Agree! And you should add that all funding to frivolous government agencies be cut off immediately. Like the study of whether fish can swim and live in mayonnaise. Let’s let all those “Scientists” make a living in the real world.


You could also only provide aid if they squash any and all “Debts” we have with them. Making all debt to that country Null &Void!


…purchasing senators, congressmen, governors, media pundits, lobbyists…money laundering is complicated business, and the bankers want it done right!

So go back to your Sportsball and McPoison burger, and stop with the Wrongthink! Before you go to sleep tonight, remember to look under your bed for Vladimir Putin, or he’ll getcha!

Peaceful foreign aid only to other countries, such as medical (but NOT vaccines) supplies, clean water/wells and food, agricultural/fishing supplies, temporary housing, things that can help another country get on it’s feet and survive. No weapons, no ammunition, no money unless earmarked for peaceful purposes only.

Friend, we’re 35 trillion in debt.

NO AID to anybody, for any reason. We don’t have the money. In fact, we ought to be soliciting foreign aid from other countries to dig ourselves out of our hole.

If you really believe we must send aid somewhere, how about sending aid to Maui? And then maybe North Carolina after that?

How much foreign aid did Israel send to North Carolina hurricane victims? How much foreign aid did Ukraine send to Maui fire victims?


I agree totally. IF we have money for foreign aid, then for peaceful purposes only.

I think we should have a balanced budget every year and only if all of our national debts are paid off, should we give any aid to other countries. I think the people should also have a say in where that money goes and none should be given to countries who hate the USA. We need financial stability before we even consider giving aid to other countries.

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At a minimum, substantially cut to almost neil until our debt is paid down and our own financial affairs are in order. In other words, payoff your own credit card and feed your family, prior to running up your card further taking care of distant non-family members while your family suffers for it. There’s a reason airlines say to place the mask on yourself first, prior to placing on your children. If you can’t survive, inevitably neither will they. Fitting analogy!

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I was going to suggest this had it not been entered but I thought there should be some rare exceptions, specifically, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Israel. You probably see where I am going. The first three need foreign aid because of our misdirected foreign aid in the 1940s and 1950s. Chiang Kai Shak was the only ally whom we made return lend lease weapons and we allowed Mao Zedong to take the Japanese weapons in Manchuko thus ensuring Communist takeover of the mainland and thus what later became Taiwan which had been largely occupied with Taiwanese. South Korea was also our fault for supplying (secretly) the USSR with the plans and materials for nuclear weapons which emboldened Stalin to provoke the Korean War which resulted in a split country, something communists love. We have a history of creating enemies. Without that there would be no need for foreign aid. Much of it in the Eisenhower administration and later went to promote communism. Also, Japan should be aided. It was provoked into war with us through Operation Snow which is now declassified. The main organizer of that was Harry Dexter White. Otherwise there was no need for war against Japan. I understand it was an aggressor but that was none of our business. The founding fathers warned against foreign entanglements but since we created so many of them we are stuck with some valid foreign aid but very little. The communist countries would have collapsed on their own without our foreign aid. The last valid recipient would be Israel, mainly because the Bible seems to support that. It will not go well with us if we abandon Israel.

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In case someone wants to correct me, I realize that Korea was already split by the agreement we made with Stalin to split Korea at the 38th parallel. That was one of the few agreements he kept. The armistice in 1953 left it that way. Other split countries were Viet Nam and Germany.

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You’re right! Foreign aid, especially military aid goes primarily to the big five military contractors, which are owned by BlackRock. It’s a money laundering scheme to put US sovereign debt directly into private pockets.

It is also the leading driver of war globally.

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How is that possible when the Pentagon has failed its 7th audit?