I’ve seen so many videos of big corporations throwing out books, back packs, even noon expired foods. I think we should put a stop to them from trashing a bunch of necessities that can be donated or given to people that really need it. I think this would be a great thing for a lot of people in need & some even veterans etc. it’s not beneficial for it to go in the trash so instead it should go to use.
I agree with this idea, but in order to make it work you would need to remove the corporate fear of liability. It is less expensive for them to write it off as a loss over donation. That also needs to be modified perhaps in tax law with a preferred write off for donation to an auditable charity? Items donated are marked in such a way they cannot be returned for refund and or said company held liable for specific reasons. Donations food and necessities to those in need would be a multilevel support approach to removing items from the dump and assisting those in need. Another option, anything that is discoverd worthy of donation, prior to corporate destruction, yet was dumped is a fine.
Correct of course! Instead of dumping they can make a donation pile & have someone weekly or even a few times a week come pick up the items & transfer them to donation centers , homeless shelters, etc. I definitely agree with them being fined if they are not following said rules/law so there would be a repercussion & so their held accountable!