
Who can be expected to survive on 600 to 1000 a month? REMOVE the federal legislation regarding those who marry to lose their benefits. This creates a huge moral issue causing many to choose to not marry, thus creating a war between their condition and their faith. It’s not the individual’s fault they are disabled. This is viewed as a punishment and it should not be.

Marriage does NOT negate disabilities and it is foolish to place the burden on the spouse when in this economy it takes more than 1 person to make a household run efficiently, especially if there is a lot of physical illness and sickness related to the disability. This is morally and ethically wrong and needs to be changed.

In addition, it should NOT take 3 to 5 years for an individual to win a disability claim when they are no longer able to work due to a disability. We have to do better at taking care of our people. There should not be a homeless Veteran. Give churches tax breaks and incentives for creating housing for the homeless and disabled. America has resources and we should not have our streets filled with homeless.


I am disabled have been since 2000 With several illnesses. Ive had to live off of what the government has allowed me. We get raises, but its only maybe $10-$15 yearly. Nobody can live off such low amounts.

We are already not in a good mindset because of what we battle daily and then traumatized to live so poorly :cry: Its ashame that we struggle already but also because we are thought of so lowly how much we should get to make it through each month and life.

My heart goes out to our elderly such as my mother fixed income she has to jungle around bills each month to try and eat and pay bills and pay for some of her medications.

This has to change asap! With the cost of living as high as it is now, even those that work are struggling. We feel voiceless we feel stuck Nobody should ever struggle in many ways specially those that are disabled and or elderly.

Thank you for giving us a voice and platform to be heard!


I agree fully. $975 a month is impossible. It doent make mathematical sense one bit


Absolutely this. I came here to make a similar post… As someone who is legally blind. I am on disability.
And despite
Having a master’s degree I can’t use it. Set timer last 8. But since I’m marrying and have not paid enough in. I’m supposed to be able to contribute off of in measely $215 a month. That is 4 a family of 4, and my wife makes less than $80k a year. Yet somehow we don’t qualify for. SSDI.


I agree, the amount makes no sense in this economy.