Demand Social Security stop auto enrolling Medicare Advantage

Stop auto enrollment to Medicare Advantage. It’s not a simple phone call or paperwork to get out of Medicare Advantage and switch to Original Medicare. It’s a long underwriting nightmare for sick and struggling seniors. They make it very difficult to get out from under Medicare Advantage and they hide the underwriting nightmare to exit Medicare Advantage.

Medicare is currently working with private sector insurance called Medicare Advantage to auto enroll seniors 3 months or less prior to their 65th birthday. Medicare advantage is a private sector insurance that has many disadvantages including cost, premiums, limited networks for Drs and specialist including limited and denied treatments.
You have to look for Drs and specialist in network only environments. Your treatments go to underwriting for review and approval including denied treatments and medications for serious illnesses such as cancer and life threatening illnesses.
Seniors receive bills from hospital stays. Medicare Advantage picks and chooses what they will or will not pay.

Original Medicare has the ability to cover seniors when Drs accept Medicare.

But Medicare Advantage has an underwriting process, denial of care process, limited network of Dr choices and hidden cost to the patients, copays, premiums and limited coverages and copay pharma, vision and dental including fitness companies setting limited hours for seniors on Medicare Advantage. It has been said that Medicare Advantage has had a vision limit to around $160 and dental to around $1000. It’s not 100% covered.

Medicare advantage enrollment is not a simple process to just leave and switch to Original Medicare. Auto enrollment to Medicare Advantage is hijacking seniors into a private sector insurance without their knowledge and education on Medicare Advantage. They put the burden and costly time consuming exit on the senior to switch over to Original Medicare. It is a nightmare for seniors. Stop the private sector Medicare Advantage automatic enrollment and put all seniors on Original Medicare upon enrollment. Stop forcing auto enrollment to private sector insurance company Medicare Advantage. Put seniors in control of their choices and stop the madness of choosing for them causing confusion and so much work to fix the hijacking of senior choices.


Dude, paragraph breaks are your friend.

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