Death penalty via gaming. (Idea from "Owenwesleysamuelmarkham" from TikTok)

All in general, anyone with the death penalty charge will have to wait in prison until 100 other people have it. Then, put all of them in separate rooms (in different states or not) and put kill headbands connected to a computer on all of them. Give them all the computer signed into gaming such as Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Fall Guys, Roblox, etc. (reply any more games that leave one player standing). If you die in the game, you will fulfill the charge. Whoever wins 1st gets their sentence lightened to a life sentence. they can vote on which game they want it to be.

100 players on death row fight until 1 is standing. Have them vote if they want build mode battle royal or zero build mode battle royal or Box PVP. Box PVP will be like a tournament having 10 players in each box until 10 players are there, all 10 of the players will be in a box together until 1 is standing.

Minecraft PVP:
100 players on death row fight until 1 is standing. They can all vote if they want Bedwars, Skywars, Hunger Games, Capture the Flag, etc. (reply). Bedwars and Skywars will both be like a tournament of 10 players. until one team of 2 is successful the two teammates will then fight each other until one is successful. Minecraft Hunger Games that will have 100 of the players play until one of them is left. Capture the Flag will have 50 players on each team. If a team wins then it will be 25 vs 25, then 12 vs 12, with the extra one with a coin flip to be on a team. 6 vs 6, if the extra person is one the winning team, then it will be another coin flip. 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1, PVP until one win, including the extra if it is still standing.

Call of Duty:
100 players on death row fight in battle royal, same logic with Fortnite just more realistic to life. (I don’t usually play call of duty so if there is more until 1 is standing games, reply).

Fall guys:
100 players on death row until 1 is standing. playing the Fall Guys games.

There is a literal Roblox game called " Death Penalty" which is perfect for the people on death row. Have them play that Roblox game. (If there are any similar games that leaves 1 standing, reply).

The footage of the gaming will go up on social media such as YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, X/Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc. (If you are suggesting any other media, it should be on, reply). It won’t show the death in real life, only in game. only the government official website will have it in real life. (optional if the death wants to even be shown in there).

This would never be passed. You’ve wasted your time writing it.

Freedom of speech certainly allows for goofy ideas, but forum moderators might not appreciate the humor in this type of posting.

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This is a terrible, terrible idea.

…in that case why not just put them all in an arena and have them kill each other while it is nationally televised?…no, I think this would fall under “Cruel and unusual punishment”…