I know the title seems scary, but this radical idea for criminal justice reform will unite this country! Please read entirely before commenting.
America is violent. We’re modern day Sparta. We watch UFC and football because we love physicality. We outspend the world on military might, and we have more guns than people.
We also have an overcrowding problem in our prison system. Too many lifers and death row is no longer an option in liberal states. How can we fix this system?
I propose taking a single life sentence prisoner from each state. (Volunteers of course) and dropping them on an island. Similar to survivor. We set up hidden cameras everywhere and we let them survive or die lord of the flies style. When the contestants get down to the last person, we reward that contestant. We reduce their sentence to supervised probation, and we offer them a second chance in society.
I know ethically this is radical, but here’s the benefits. Swift justice for the families/victims of these criminals. All of the television money goes toward reparations to the victims families and the rest goes toward our heavily taxed prison system. We save money on guarding these lifers, and we create room for less severe criminal stays. All merchandising rights can be given to a different noble cause, like FEMA.
It’s time we stop looking at the prison system as a burden, and we start employing the potential. You tell me with a straight face Americans wouldn’t tune into this program. Perhaps I’m ahead of my time, or maybe behind it. I think this could work. Feel free to disagree.