Daylight savings year round

Put a stop to the back and forth of the clocks twice a year. Let’s turn the clocks forward one last time in March of 2025 and then never change them again.
There has not been any opposition to this in the past that I’ve found credible, a few States such as Florida and Arizona do not even recognize daylight savings time.
Daylight savings has a negative impact to our health and for all intensive purposes is completely useless.
With now many people working from home, the prior arguments from 2005 really do not apply.
Daylight saving time (DST) was first implemented in the United States in 1918 as a wartime measure to conserve energy during World War I. The current federal policy for DST was enacted in 1966 with the Uniform Time Act, which established a set of rules for states to observe DST. The most recent change to DST was made in 2005 as part of the Energy Policy Act.


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