Sure. Although you’ve still missed my point that the reason for suggesting the merge was to get EVERYONE in the same discussion to reach / teach / educate / influence and find agreement on a strategy.
I edited the title. It now says “DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME”.
I’m still not picking a side.
- The majority of proposals want to stop switching. They just differ on which direction.
- The point of the merge wasn’t to dictate “The Right” answer, but to consolidate discussion so that collectively the community could come to an understanding and agreement on the ideal course.
- Of course we should pick the one which supports MAHA, but isn’t that the point of consolidating discussion? So people can work together, through rational discussion, to educate, challenge each other, bring information, and then through civil discourse, come to a conclusion on what’s the best strategy, in a way that utilizes the opportunity to bring stakeholders along, persuades people through teaching / discussing, and that gets buy-in from the majority of participants?
If the purpose of this forum is to just propose multiple sets of strongly held views, in pairs (or dozens) of opposing proposals, HOW do you think we’ll come to any agreements that we can get a movement behind?
If we put
- all the pro-DST people in one room, so they can agree and buttress each other,
- and all the pro-StandardTime people in another room, so they can agree and buttress each other,
- and all the people who just want to stop switching and don’t care which way in a third room, so they can agree and buttress each other,
- and all the people who like switching in a fourth room, so they can agree and buttress each other,
you just end up with four entrenched opposing camps.
Unless you’re going to put them together for discussion, and the chance to influence, inform, challenge, converse, and consider opposing views, HOW do you get enough agreement to make anything roll in one direction or another?
You simply end up with 4 sets of solidly entrenched folks defending their opinions.
If you have entrenched groups, and you want to move in ANY direction, either
- one group has to bully the other groups into submission,
- or override their position by sheer numbers without getting their buy-in.
Or you can’t move forward at all - you just get the status quo.
Which is pretty much where we are now in this country.
Bullying, overriding, and - at best - status quo.
Honestly, if this forum is about getting all the one-side-of-the-opinion like-minded folks each into their own separate threads, and NOT about getting them to work together for a common solution… what is the point?
That’s what democrats and republicans have been doing for generations. It isn’t working out well.
The whole power of MAGA+MAHA is that we’ve brought together groups with different opinions of how things should go and they’re working it out together for the greater good based on being able to tolerate, experience, explore, listen, converse, and find common ground.
It’s not based on one group giving up their opinions and adopting the strongly-held opposing position’s views.
If we can’t even get people who care about daylight savings time together in ONE THREAD to work out the discussion - without insisting in advance what the RIGHT answer is - HOW are we ever going to get anything more important than daylight savings time resolved?
There has to be a paradigm shift.
Fostering one-opinion camps with each camp putting forth their echo-chamber we-all-agree-we’re-right-and-you’re-wrong ideas has failed us to the point where we’re about to lose this country.
Allowing one group to override all others with their “Right Answer” because they have the power to do so WITHOUT seeking the conversation, seeing the other side’s view, or developing buy-in has been an unmitigated disaster.
I don’t see how having opposing threads of “pro-DST” - “pro-StandardTime” - “pro-Switching” gets ANYONE nearer to agreement.
This attempt-to-merge thread is a microcosm of how the forum functions as a whole.
I thought we had a new paradigm working here, but now I’m fairly convinced its just another arena where people pick their favorite beliefs, entrench with folks who already agree with them, declare themselves to have “the right answer”, and shove any dissenters out the door.
NOT why I showed up. So perhaps I was wrong about what we’re doing here.
PS: Do you know who scares me most? People who insist they have “The Right Answer” and want to dump their right answers on others without engaging in any conversation with people who have oposing, or just different, opinions. Because if those “right-answer” people have the power to, they will enforce their “right answer” on you regardless of what you want, or what you decide is best for you and yours.
When my point is “everyone bring your case and lets all discuss the options and see if we can find agreement” and the replies I get are “No No THIS is the ONLY RIGHT ANSWER and those other people should be put in a different thread” … well I’m just not seeing any new paradigm happening here.
I’m going to go think about the way this is working, and if its worth my investing my time and passion in. This isn’t my house, so I don’t get to set the rules. However if its just more of the same contentious us-vs-them my-ideas-over-here and your-ideas-over-there, I think it misses the spirit of what MAGA+MAHA is doing.
<Leaving this to the moderators now. Merge, don’t merge, multi-thread merge. You choose. I’m done.>