Cut waste/government and Distribute 50% to taxpayers as a stimulus!

A pact with America. For every dollar the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)is able to eliminate and save through cutting or eliminating bloated, unnecessary, irrelevant program’s, policies and employees from the federal government. For every dollar permenantly eliminated from government fat or waste, fifty cents goes directly back to the American tax payers as a stimulus that actually reduces debt and does not cause inflation. It could be a quarterly payment and only if it is cut from the fat of government. Not from SS and all the necessities or core programs. The elimination of redundant and bloated boards, commissions and even unnecessary wasteful programs, DEPTS, consultants, foreign payments to organizations that hate America or funds sent overseas that do nothing to help America or the interest of American citizens. Example: If DOGE were to cut two trillion in waste then 1 trillion would go back to every American born and permanent citizen who paid taxes the previous year. This program could run for 1 year or more and would highlight the unnecessary waste and over reach by government. It would make sure Americans are not only on board with cuts but it would give incentive for citizens to encourage these cuts.


I completely agree here. Younger vitiate feeling the economic crisis something fierce. A 30 something couple with a new baby can’t find a decent place affordable to rent. It all looks hopeless to them. We all paid those taxes to fund all the waste, we should get some back. Maybe help buy that car they nee. Maybe help with deposits to rent a better place. Or give specific detail about where it can be spent. Giving something, anything, back will help. Would definitely be from savings only. Could be enough to change the hopeless thoughts of your younger generations.