Hey all, we wanted to share some exciting updates this week for Policies For The People (P4P)!
Dennis Kucinich X Space: Crowdsourcing Questions
Link to the Spaces on Monday: x.com
Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich, who is currently an independent candidate for Congress in Ohio’s 7th district, will join P4P Creator Mark Gorton, P4P Project Manager Jay Mudholkar, Political Influencer Holden Culotta and Political Influencer Lauren Lee on an X Space at 12pm EST on Monday, October 28th, to discuss Policies for the People. Please join! You can reply to this announcement with any questions for Dennis in the comment section here, and we will select a few of them and discuss them in the Spaces with him!
AI Engineer Hiring and looking for Moderators!
We are hiring for an AI engineer to help AI-ify the P4P platform. If you know anyone, have them email jay@av24.org with their resume and why they’re a good fit for the role. Here’s a job description:
P4P is looking to hire a developer focused on adding AI capabilities to the Policies for the People forum. Examples of initial desired capabilities include, AI generated summaries of posts on the forum, building an AI helpbot that can suggest related articles and people based on the interests of users, building AI powered social media tools that can post updates from the P4P forum to social media, having AI bots that can help add tags to posts, having AI bots that can remove profanity, having AI bots that can help organize and categorize articles, etc.
The above listed functionality can be built using straightforward prompt engineering with major LLM’s.
Solid programming background
Familiarity with LLM’s and LLM deployment platforms
Prompt engineering experience
A few years programming experience
If you don’t have AI engineering expertise, but want to get more involved in the behind-the-scenes operations of the platform, we could use some more volunteer moderators! Email jay@av24.org if interested there as well!
Additionally, we’ve posted refinements to the forum. Please take a look at Merge Proposals (to reduce duplicative posts on the platform), Collections (to discuss areas as a whole, rather than just specific policies), and Meetings (community-building!)
Thanks so much as always! More exciting updates coming soon!