Protect White Collar Jobs From Chinese Takeover - End Sold By China on Amazon, Temu, Shein

TLDR: China has begun selling Chinese Goods direct to American Consumers on Ecommerce platforms. This is an unprecedented mechanism for circumventing the US economy to extract wealth from the US consumer base and funnel it directly to China.

The result is devastating to the US ecommerce industry; the broader US retail sector; to US manufacturing and the US businesses which support them.

The “Made in China” issue has evolved into the “Sold By China” issue, an even greater threat to the US economy.

Internet shopping has opened the doors for foreign companies, predominantly from China, to have unlimited direct access to the American retail consumer- circumventing US businesses, extracting massive wealth from the US economy, reducing US tax revenues and avoiding potential regulation.

Here’s what’s happening:

Market Displacement: Foreign sellers sell direct to American consumers through online platforms like Amazon, Tik-Tok Shop, Shein, Temu, and Aliexpress - circumventing US businesses which have historically provided these products to American consumers. This trend has increased exponentially over the past 5 years with today over 63% of all Amazon 3rd party sales being sold directly by Chinese companies on the platform (SOLD BY CHINA); and, with TEMU which features products exclusively Sold by China having risen to become the number 2 ecommerce retailer in the United States behind only Amazon.

Foreign companies selling direct in Ecommerce take white collar jobs directly from Americans as high paying jobs in Marketing, Creative, Analysis, Finance, Accounting, Supply Chain, Forecasting, etc all get employed in the Foreign country for the Foreign company/brand/manufacturer.

The foreign company manufactures the product, owns the brand, and then sells directly to the US consumer effectively pulling the entire vertical out of the US and placing it into China.

With consideration to the rapid influx of Chinese sellers and products into the US retail sector by way of Chinese retailers; huge swaths of the US Market are being funneled to foreign businesses creating an existential threat to US Ecommerce, US Retail as a whole and the industries which support them .

Too many large iconic US retailers like JCPenney and Bed Bath & Beyond; marketplaces like eBay and Etsy; and countless US small businesses are struggling and too many have already given up.

We’re giving away the US consumer markets and all of the jobs which support them to China, and this trend is accelerating at an alarming rate.

Ripple Effects:

Where previously only manufacturing was displaced, the recent proliferation of ecommerce has now made it possible to cut American companies out of the US economy entirely.

The economic disruption extends beyond the US companies competing directly with Chinese Sellers online, to traditional brick and mortar and the US retail sector as a whole, who see year over year losses of market share as more buyers purchase directly from China.

The retail sector itself is the front line for a broad collective of service businesses which support them; and, the influx of Chinese sellers has ripple effects which impact US based service provides in marketing, advertising, buying, quality control, product sourcing, customer service, graphic design, photography, product development, shipping, logistics, warehousing, technology, Finance, Accounting, Data Analysis and of course U.S. manufacturing, supply and so much more.

This cascading effect is ripping through various sectors of the economy, leading to job losses, reduced innovation, and slower US economic growth while China’s Ecommerce presence in the US is EXPLODING. This impact ultimately extends to local communities, affecting everything from tax revenues to real estate markets in areas where these retail businesses and their ecosystem partners are concentrated.

Lost Tax Revenues and Regulatory Evasion:

As broad portions of the US retail sector move to Chinese Businesses, the economic activity which was taxable under those now shuttered US Businesses’ Profits are instead now falling outside of U.S. Federal Tax Jurisdiction, depriving the U.S. government of substantial tax revenue from US based retail sales activity. The profits AND tax revenues are going to the Chinese economy instead of our own. Recall the previously mentioned 63% of 3rd party Amazon sales going directly to China and the fact that Temu is now the second largest online retailer in the United States, these profits are taxed to the benefit of China and not the US.

Foreign businesses are also able exploit loopholes to avoid paying tariffs and sidestep consumer protection regulations, creating significant consumer risks and leaving consumers with no effective mechanisms for recourse or remedy in cases of faulty or dangerous products.

Single-parcel shipments into the U.S. make oversight nearly impossible, allowing foreign entities to engage in widespread non-compliance, all while depriving the U.S. government of critical tax revenue. (See other proposal on De Minimis Rule) In 2022, Temu paid no U.S. import duties on its products due to the de minimis rule and may have paid no Federal Income taxes at all.

China also maintains an unfair shipping cost advantage subsidized by the US! Its status as a developing country in the Universal Postal Union establishes their international postage rates at significantly lower than the United States. In most cases the cost for a Chinese company to ship an single parcel e-packet from China to the US is cheaper than it is for a US business to ship the same package domestically! This is made possible by Chinese international mailing costs being subsidized by the US tax payer through the UPU! US Businesses are literally subsidizing the Chinese businesses that are displacing them!

The Proposal:

1- Restrict foreign retailers and businesses from selling to US retail consumers online

2- Restrict access to the U.S. ecommerce market to U.S. owned online marketplaces only

Controlling “Sold by China” products is a major step toward protecting and strengthening the US Economy that will generate and protect federal tax revenues; preserve the fertile U.S. consumer markets for the benefit of American businesses; and, protect consumers from potentially dangerous, unregulated foreign products. Please Vote for this proposal!

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Would love to engage in a discussion on this. If you’ve voted or want to know more please leave a comment


This is great. I’ve worked in Ecommerce for 10 years and with Chinese competition, I am not sure how much longer it will last. What happened to the American Dream?!


Yes! Ecommerce businesses definitely understand where this is coming from. They are the “canaries in the coal mine” on this one.

Some people sense this happening but I think we are pretty oblivious to the implications, this is a major blindside to the economy… politicians seem so focused on known issues of Chinese manufacturing displacement and future issues of AI displacement but we are missing this happening right in front of our eyes.

This direct ecommerce access by a foreign country is a totally new thing that’s literally just happened within the past 5 years.


Many people were concerned about the ports being on strike. This should serve as a wake-up call for all of us to support companies based in the USA and help strengthen our economy.


as if running low on medications during Covid wasn’t enough! Please consider liking and voting on our proposal. We need eyes on this, I don’t think our government officials even realize this is happening.


Hi @Sunny97 and @FredEngh

I saw you voted on the old proposal, I’ve cleaned it up and made it more readable on this one. Would you mind voting here?

Please also give this one a like and comment so this continues to get visibility


As a small business owner, this is my number one concern. China (and any other foreign business for that matter) should not be allowed to sell direct to consumers in the US market. Small business is suffering greatly because of this. Thank you for putting forth this policy!


It’s an existential threat to US small businesses and no one in power even knows its happening.


Having worked in the apparel manufacturing industry for over a decade, this is more than just a threat to our Ecommerce businesses. I have seen first hand the way Sold by China products have driven down cost and margin, forcing US companies to begin working with overseas vertical factories, cutting out the middle man involved in designing and creating our products for US distribution.

This is a threat to our US workforce as a whole - business owners, designers, product developers, production specialists, etc. This issue is very far reaching and a serious threat to our economy as you’ve stated. I implore people to be less shorted sighted and realize that saving a quick buck on a cheaper Sold by China product is going to come with a huge price tag in the end. Thanks for putting this together!


Yes! At this point the economic implications of “Made In China” are pretty well understood… “Sold By China” is a new threat and it is way more far reaching than people realize.

Apparel specifically is under serious threat from Chinese Sellers. Here are some interesting stats on how quickly Apparel in particular is being dominated.

  1. Shein accounted for 50% of all U.S. fast fashion sales as of November 2022 having grown from just 18% in March 2020

  2. 70% of Americans have shopped at Chinese online marketplaces in the past year.

  3. 57% of U.S. shoppers have purchased from Temu, 43% from Shein.

  4. Temu and Shein account for one-third of all de minimis shipments to the U.S. (no tarrifs, duties or regulatory oversight)

  5. Chinese sellers hold 54.2% share in Amazon US’s “Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry” category.

Keep in mind these stats are now 2 years old… if you’re shopping clothes online theres a good change you’re buying “Made in China” and “Sold by China”


A complete ban on importation of products made in China would be the most effective solution. A secondary ban should be placed on all investment and corporate stocks Chartered in China.
Chinese products are little more than landfill garbage. Made in USA was what made America great. Not importing industrial filth from other Nations…


Please like, comment and VOTE!


Hi I hope you’ll considering voting for this.

I totally agree but at this point so much of our commerce is so intertwined that a sudden change like this would be devastating to our own economy… the tumor is so massive it would kill the host to remove it. That said this proposal would prevent further spreading dependancies and then incentives already in discussion could start to transition manufacturing back.


As a handmade jewelry company that has barely survived the last 3 years, this would be a game changer. The chinese market lowers the value of my products, which in turn, lowers the value of time spent actually making the products. Small business owners could actually thrive and wouldn’t need to stay on disability in some cases, or getting assistance because they would be able to charge more for their services or products.


I know this resonates with a lot of small businesses… please share with anyone else who would appreciate this


I dream of the day that small businesses are thriving in the US again


[Sold by China?
Made in China?]


The problem is that the trade between countries is not fair. Doesn’t matter what country your talking about. We take in far more product from them than they do from us.


You’ve heard of made in China… Sold By China is a new thing that the internet has enabled… Chinese retailers are selling directly to US consumers on sites like Amazon, SHEIN and Temu… they took manufacturing a generation ago… now they’re taking everything else