Create long standing policies for propaganda

There needs to be laws placed to prevent propaganda. Within the Media, for years, we have had to listen to them pushing an agenda that disagrees with the majority of Americans.

We have endured lies, manipulation and gaslighting from the Main Stream Media. They have chastised our people, openly debating them and misinforming the population with these lies, manipulation and gaslighting. It’s time to create laws that prevent them from using their bias opinions against the citizens.

They have gone, for far too long, without any consequences. It’s time to make the Main Stream Media HONEST AGAIN. Delivering only the Truest form of news to the people. With integrity and honesty, this is the way forward.

This is leading to a serious mental health crisis, across America. This has caused conflict and complete disregard to the health and safety of the American People.


I love the first amendment more than I hate biased news outlets.

I agree it’s an issue, but regulating existing speech isn’t the way to address it.
We need to find better ways to organize our speech.