Constitutional Universality Act

Apply the Constitution universally across all entities in the country, guaranteeing that freedoms like speech and privacy are protected from both government and corporate infringement, and any other organization or individual.

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Apply the Constitution universally to All Citizens of the United States, guaranteeing that freedoms like speech and privacy are protected from both government and corporate infringement, and any other organization or individual.

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Your interpretation fundamentally misunderstands the Constitution. The Constitution doesn’t grant rights; it protects our inalienable rights by restricting government action. Your version limits constitutional protections to citizens and implies these rights are subject to government discretion, reducing them to privileges rather than universal protections. This not only guts the Constitution’s purpose but also undermines the very principle of inalienable rights. Rights aren’t gifts from the government—they’re inherent, and the Constitution ensures they remain so.


Yes, this is important!

Working on a draft about this here:

Policy to Establish the Separation of the Corporatocracy and the State (Addressing Corporate Personhood)

Open to suggestions to improve/refine it.