Combine all welfare programs into one single debit card

Instead of all of the different departments that provide housing, food, medicine for the needy, etc., why not eliminate all of these programs and create a single program that assigns a debit card to the needy and what they would have received in aid, they receive in a monthly allowance on that card. They would have to budget their money, just like everyone else, and if they were able to save by cutting coupons, living in a smaller home, or anything else, it would allow them to save. Without the ability to learn how to budget, they’ll always be poor, and if they blow it on drugs or gambling, then they go without, or their kids will be taken and placed with members of their family that are more responsible. Imagine all of the bureacracy that could be eliminated if all these different services were replaced by a single debit card that they could use to pay rent, buy groceries, medicine, etc. We’d probably save so much money firing everyone that we could afford to give even more to each recipient in need and still save money. Plus the needy would learn how to properly manage their money, like the rest of us. And all of these programs should require a drug test and go back to “work-fare”. Back in FDR’s New Deal, at least he didn’t just give money away, he provided jobs. I’m sure there’s stuff the government needs done that welfare recipients could do. They can’t all be on disability?