Combat Microplastic Health Effects

A new study from the University of New Mexico Health Sciences found high concentration levels of microplastics in the human brain.

Doctors say this could be caused by microplastics being ingested through everyday items like plastic water bottles, cookware and storage containers.

Doctors also warn that these ingesting microplastics could cause people to develop chronic diseases like dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Sounds good. What policy can we do to get rid of this from occuring. Maybe instead of using plastics we incentivize using glass bottles or improved plastic materials that does not leak microplastics.

It would be great if there was a detox method to get rid of microplastics in the brain or body.

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This problem was unheard of when U.S. manufacturers used glass. The implementation of plastic as a replacement for it has caused a myriad of problems. A logical solution would be to revert to glass, but most companies would never agree to be of increased costs to produce it.

The only other solution I can offer is to discover an economical alternative to plastic. Preferably, one that is non-petroleum based if possible.

Perhaps some form of improved cardboard, bamboo, or other equivalent material.

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Bamboo would be a great choice if farmers developed a way to commercially cultivate it on a large-scale as in many Asian countries

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Our clothes are made of it now. That seems the worst. Please get plastic out of clothes.

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