There seems to be a lot of officers that do not fully understand the civil liberties of citizens all across the United States. It’s either because they have not been trained properly or haven’t taken the time to fully read and understand the rights of citizens and what they can and cannot do when engaging with the public. This leads police officers violating these rights and receiving lawsuits.
By MANDATING a 1-2 week course AS PART OF THEIR TRAINING, it will help officers to understand the lawful rights of citizens under the Constitution and help prevent a lot of officers violating those rights, which in return will help eliminate a lot of lawsuits, people getting hurt, and unlawfully jailed.
If this is done correctly and publicized it could build a new relationship between the citizens and law enforcement across you US. People have not only lost their trust in government they have also lost their trust in law enforcement. It too needs to be reevaluated. By creating this type of mandate would be a step in the right direction to bring back a good relationship between the public and officers of the law.
Please voice your vote at the top of this page if you agree, thank you.