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Defunding them is a horrible idea. Our guy Trump said he wants to fully fund them. I am ok with that BUT, there is countless engagements that lead to lawsuits that taxpayers end up coughing up the money for the bill. End that we need to really look qualified immunity and training. Most of these lawsuits are from violating a Citizens constitutional rights. I know a lot of people don’t know what their rights are about in what they fully mean since they do not teach anything about it in school. They also don’t teach the police anything about it in their training but they’re sworn to uphold it. To me that’s nonsense. They put on their uniform in badge and they go out and violate someone’s rights but when they go home and take off the badge in uniform they don’t or must not realize they have those same rights. I believe if they were taught about it (I would say more but I don’t think they teach them anything about it at all about it as if now) there would be a lot less of these encounters that lead in false arrests and incarcerations and lawsuits. Now about qualified immunity, if they are properly trained in civilian rights and the Constitution they would be less likely as I said to falsely a wrongly arrest somebody they would have better de-escalation skills and people wouldn’t end up needing to sue as much or hopefully at all. With that being said they wouldn’t need qualified immunity and if they did or decided to violate one’s rights then they themselves should be held accountable not the taxpayers who had nothing to do with the situation in the first place. A good portion of lawsuits are from criminals themselves and It hurts us all as a town a city a state and a country when our tax paying dollars are being spent unwisely. I can say more about that but that’s a whole another topic. There is more things other than what I spoke of that should be included in police training but I will leave that open to the public to add what they feel is necessary to be learned during training to become an officer of the law.
I hope this is reaches the members of Maga/Maha as it will make a huge difference in the way a lot of police encounters begin and end.
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