Police reform

I am not sure if I’m doing this correct but I suggest that the police are required to attend some schooling simple laws. There have been many times I have had to educate an officer on my civil rights and their response is always they are not lawyers they protect and serve not prosecute. People are arrested and held in jail, most people cannot afford bail, and for the district attorney to not prosecute due to the arresting officers lack of knowledge causing them to unknowingly violate someone’s rights thus committing a crime themselves. By the time this is determined the person has been in jail anywhere from 24 to 72 hours causing them to loose their jobs, then their homes, and like a domino effect they are victim of the system. Knowing all the laws is not what I’m suggesting just the basics like breaking someone’s property, violating their rights to privacy, violating their rights to have a court ordered unlawful detainer, violating a minors rights by not having a parent present. If we could educate the officers and make sure they do have some sort of consequences for violating the rights of people then officers would stop abusing their power and people would trust them more. I can’t trust an office that is enforcing the law that I have to educate them on.