Chinese ownership of US farmland

I agree with this 100%

Why do chinese buy up so much land around US military bases? Sketchy

While I agree that Chinese owned land in the US should be reclaimed back to the US, I disagree that we should use imminent domain to do so. I would argue that imminent domain is unconstitutional, and its use should be abolished in the US. I believe there could be other avenues that could be pursued in order to accomplish this goal.

In addition all entities or conglomerates that own in excess of 10,000 acres of land. Land must be put to productive use or penalized through punitive taxation.

In the US behind China, Bill Gates is the largest land owner, with over 269,000 acres of farmland. Roughly equivalent to the size of the state of MICHIGAN. Land that is left fallow, not producing food for the American people, or the world at large.

Ownership of farmland on this scale is not legacy, or familial, nor shouldn’t be looked at in the same light. Control of land on a scale capable of feeding a developed country should be productive for the citizens of said country.

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The constitution was only intended to protect US citizens, not adversarial foreign governments. While I agree in principal that it’s a slippery slope to use imminent domain. It’s a far different scenario if we allowed an Ally to purchase land. China though they owe their sovereign state status to us, is adversarial to all US interests and has proven itself time and time again.

Using Imminent Domain, while perhaps not the most politically popular solution is quite expedient and cost effective. Perhaps consider it akin to the old saying “don’t shit in your own nest”.


Totally agree with your take. But I think the problem is deeper. It isn’t just importing unregulated foods. I think if we imported foods compliant with EU or Chinese standards our population would probably be healthier. It’s probably more egregious that we allow food additives in our food supply, that prevent our foods from being exported to over 100 countries. It’s telling that we use cheap additives that are banned in most developed countries. We allow our adversaries to profit from producing food with our farmland, using methods and practices that are unsafe and banned in most other developed countries. And then we buy it and feed it to our families.

Foriegn control isn’t necessarily the problem. It’s who the foreigner is in my humble opinion. If Britain wants to own land :+1:. Our biggest geopolitical enemies, maybe not so much.

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Yes! absolutely, and I agree with you. That is a whole other rabbit hole though hahaha.
I guess maybe the best way to start going about it, as I read above in a other comment, other countries do allow non citizens to purchase real estate, but with restrictions. Maybe we should start there. Lets use China for example, seems to be the popular example, above I read they allow a single family residence per person after 1 year of being a student, or doing work there, and it must be the primary residence. Seems fair, not unreasonable at all. What they do we should do. And if both countries want to come to the table and change how non citizens purchase and use real estate in the country, both countries must change their rules. Maybe a Real Estate Mirror Act, REMA, would work well and come out to be fair for everyone.

I agree 100%. This should never have happened in the first place. What is wrong with people today???

Companies should also not be allowed to own private land / residences.

Also nationalize, and take away all rare earths mines that Chinese own in the United States, so we can use that material in this country to make our own computer chips, and everything else that the rare earths are used for, making sure its all produced in the United States

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Should be all foreign owners, particularly those in or connected to a foreign government.

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Defiantly a big problem in the future.
A must for the future of our country

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No foreign ownership of farm land. I’d also like to see Bill Gates barred from owning farm land, but I can’t think of how to do it without it hurting good farmers.

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Thank you for this policy suggestion since China and Bill Gates owns most of our farm land. Small town here and our 1 little store is nothing but GMO and Bioengineered ingredients. We have going to the Mennonite store once a week.

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The problem is not the Chinese or any other country buying this land. The bigger problem is “Why was this land for sale in the first place?”. Why is our food system so poor that farmers are always in debt, a commodity market which is brutal and underpays for their products. Property taxes are out of sight. Yes outlaw foreign and corporate ownership of land but we MUST fix the underlying problems. Our farmland and the men and women who operate these farms and ranches should be cherished by our government not punished and beaten into failure.

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The big problem I see with letting states decide is states like California. I am from there and I watched them do for illegal immigrants, give them everything, allow and encourage them to vote, allow them to hold elected positions, and threatened the law abiding citizens if they try to do anything about it or work with the federal government to remove these people. They steal elections. It’s a well known fact. They do not follow the will of the people, they lie, steal, cheat, indoctrinate and do whatever they want for power and money. American citizens who are victims to crime from people here illegally are considered to criminals while these foreigners are out on a pedestal. The part where they allow people who are here illegally or legally but are not a citizen are allowed to vote! That in itself is illegal. And this is just one state this is happening in. So because of this I believe there should be a national law because noncitizens will always for for themselves (in my honest opinion) and not America.

Sounds like this No property tax on single family homes and farmland

and this Allow Farmers to Grow and Save Their Own Seeds

would go a long way to fixing the remaining problems.

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I like this, but why stop at Chinese ownership? And why only US farmland? Why not forbid foreign ownership of any US land?

It’s not just land. They’re buying up homes as well.

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All foreigner land purchases should be scrutinized no matter who they are! The American Citizens should by all rights be able purchase land before any foreigner. Many countries don’t allow foreigners to buy land. For many good reasons. 1. Infiltration 2. affordable land for there current citizens so they can thrive and many more reasons.