I agree with this policy. There is no reason for Chinese government to own any part of our land (you will not find this running rampart in their country and it should be the same here) if they want to lease and/or rent land for cultivation then as a land Owen and/or US farmer I would triple the normal price as we know exactly what they are doing. The moment they own this land they employ their workers and it will strictly benefit their country as it cuts out thousands of US workers and benefits or adds to our economy very little. At least with leasing out Proprety by the acre the land owner continues to spend money in America…
Namely Bill Gates for starters. You nailed it!
we need to buyback the land any foreign government has purchased, or purchased from another buyer.
the land could be placed in a land bank until resold.
The US party should be US citizens, and not a front for another country. I believe only US citizens should own homes and commercial properties as well, ie, be on title. It may be feasible to have investment arrangements between a US citizen owner and a non -citizen, but no ownership.
Where I see your point on this, we do need foreign renting and leasing because it will allow the non citizen entities/people to bring their businesses and livelihood here so we are not importing unregulated foreign products, and it will also bring jobs. If you can give me a reason on how no foreign renting/lease would be beneficial to the country, please comment it.
No foreign country should own any US land…this is simply a form of infiltration!
My opinion.
In other countries it’s common to only allow citizens to own real estate. We should have the same policy. And for anything more than an acre, you should be US born.
I agree!
I believe all Chinese ownership of large manufacturing plants and food distributions centers should also be reclaimed by the American people at the price of purchase or market, whichever is less.
In other countries non citizens are allowed to purchase properties for ownership, but there are restrictions and requirements that have to be met first. In China, you have to either have either a work or school permit for at least a year in order to purchase property. That property is limited to one residential home for personal use only. Other countries also allow the purchase of personal property with limitations. This is what I found online about China’s ownership of property purchased in country: Do you actually own the property purchased in China? - No, individuals in China do not privately own land or natural resources. The government owns all urban land, and rural and suburban land is owned by local collectives. The government can grant, lease, or allocate the right to use state-owned land, but ownership cannot be transferred. In my opinion, the rules are simple… If we can’t, then neither can you.
I read the article. Did the Senate pass this?
I can see this. I have friends visiting right now from another country. They’re good people. In their country, they have a business that would do very well here for all of us, even if things got very bad. They would absolutely contribute living here. They don’t want much, just freedom. We took them yesterday to exercise our 2 A. They don’t take that lightly. They’re not allowed where they live.
Should include all foreign countries not just China
Ban ANY foreign ownership of US land. It will have to be thought out…so Honda just creates a US corporation as a subsidiary, to open its stores here? What did we gain?
Is Elon musk a citizen or a permanent resident?
I agree with this with an emphasis on #2 Clean food!
Is there a way to make a law for clean food without it being able to be thrown out when the next president takes office? This is my concern for many of the bills. If we are trying to fix this country, they should not be able wreck what has been achieved because it is an ongoing need and process. Can it be turned into some kind of cemented in law? As in like our constitution? Certain laws such as regards to the land and our food system definitely should not be able to be manipulated by the gov for big money gain.
I think this is a very important issue that people aren’t aware of. There is a shortage of water in china and the Middle East . There is a documentary about it Watch The Grab Streaming Online | Hulu (Free Trial) we have to preserve our water in the US.
The CCP is clearly adversarial to the US, and should never be allowed to own our farmlands, as it poses a national security risk in the form of chemical attack upon the citizenry of the United States via our food supply.