Chinese ownership of US farmland

Or even local Government run Farms where prisoners can repay their debts to society instead of being pampered and given computers and Ipads! That way they would come out of prison with a true skill that is benificial to the world and their local communities not just able to play the stock markey…

Well…the lands bordering military installations etc. is certainly suspicious, but they may well be buying farm land to grow food. Controlling a population’s food source is a good way to lock in compliance… (gain control)

I dont believe there should be any, foreign ownership of our lands, or resources. Most countries have this same policy.

China, saudi, any of them…

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I would add all foreign ownership until the housing crisis is solved. Many Canadians own second homes in Arizona. Anyone who accepted money from NGOs to house immigrants too.

I don’t agree with solar farms. Not good for the environment in many ways and not a reliable source of energy. Tesla energy is the way to go. Free for everyone and no environmental concerns

Only citizens of the US should be able to own land in the US. There is no reason that benefits America for foreigners to own our land!!! Should be a Federal ban.


This should also include leasing


Ban foreign governments and subsidiaries from buying and owning US land.

Currently china owns land in strategicly places of our country. That should be forcibly purchased back (fair value). Imminent domain if need be.

China purchased our biometric information from 23&me (Your DNA) and google data on citizens. I highly doubt these 2 things are unrelated.


I believe that any foreign country that has spied on or interfered in our countries affairs or operations, any form should have their assets and property seized by our country.

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Call farmland needs to be returned to the United States. Input to use that includes from Bill Gates.

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I agree with this policy as well; Foreign countries should NOT have any stake or own any property in the U.S.! Foreign countries should not be delving into anything that pertains to the U.S.! They CANNOT be trusted! I’d like to know WHO and HOW they were able to purchase the property that they currently own as well. That Government or Person (my guess is, well I am sure we are all on the same page), whoever allowed it to happen should be prosecuted for Treason as well! America’s Farmers work hard to feed their families and Americans, if the property was “taken” from them it should be returned to the rightful owner. This mess of Foreign countries coming into America and changing our Policies because their feelings got hurt or they claim they are being discriminated against. I have had it up to my eyeballs with all this nonsense.


NO Foreign ownership of Land, or Commercial property

I’ll add: NO Domestic ownership of land that exceeds X amount of Hectares/Square Miles

it is one thing to be a large landowner/rancher/farmer, and another to be a land horder like Bill Gates.
The first USES the land. The second CONTROLS the land.

Limit the size, limit the control

Disclosure: I’m not American, and I would LOVE to own agland in the US.

The only issue is there is not much fertile farm land, once we put on a wind farm we can’t easily tend to crops that a new owner may plant later.
They should use it in a program to help agriculturalists in some way.

I agree we cannot own land in other countries. Why should they be able to own land in our country? We need to keep it for US

Not just Chinese, as adversaries change. Farmland in the US should always be US citizens/organizations. Keep this separate from farming practices such as regenerative farming, but simple foreign citizen/businesses inability to own American land (at least farmland).

I’m in Michigan… Our governor just allowed a China owned company with CCP ties to buy land to build an EV plant. There’s several military installations in the vicinity. So far the building of the plant has been blocked… This should have never been allowed!

I believe the United States government should force all foreign farmland owners that have to sell. They have the right to do it.

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There was a law, when i was a child. I dont know the complete details but did not allow anyone from outside the US to own the land their business sat upon. They could come and rent land if they wanted to run a business in the US. Also there needs to be added to this or if preferred, a separate law to protect us against monopolies, like Bill Gate buying up a lot of farm land. We don’t need to be held hostage to anyone whims.

Foreigners should never be allowed to Own anything in the U.S. Especially China! It’s got to Stop… I lived in Asia, They are the Enemy of America… That’s from my knowledge and the U.S. Politicians will sell out the Nation in a Heart Beat.

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Absolutely agree. They shouldn’t own any land! For the past several decades, they have taken ownership of toll roads, water companies, national parks, farm land, food industries. They shouldn’t own any ounce of US businesses or land nor should we be funding them! All of it needs to be owned by us and only us on this land! They have weaponized our food and businesses for profit, while ensuring we stay sick and fund their pharmaceutical industries!