Personally don’t believe other Countries should own land in the United States. They only want farm land or land with minerals. That land should only be for American’s. So any land that is owned by another Country should be seized and given back to the farmers or sold to Americans.
This is so important! I hope it gains more traction. China and Bill Gates own way too much of our farmland! My husband wanted to start a Gofundme for the people by the people to chip in and buy as much of our land as possible and to sell it only to US citizens. Not China. Not billionaire corporations. How amazing would that be?!
We HAVE to stop foreigners from purchasing large amounts of land. PERIOD. I am appalled that it is even possible in America for someone from ANY country to be able to bribe locals into price gouged amounts so that they sell their land for millions of dollars. I attended a community meeting last week in Pittsylvania county, Virginia (town of Chatham) to oppose someone (not an American citizen) who was trying to buy 2200 acres of farmland that sits on two pipelines. 1100 of this backs up to my family’s farm. It will RUIN life as we know it. NO FOREIGN NATIONAL SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF 1(?)-10(?)-100(?) ACRES OF LAND ON US SOIL. Not under ANY circumstance should 1,000 acres+ even be in question. Said buyer reduced purchase application to 1600 acres. This is still ruining life for locals, changing agricultural land to industrial in the middle of beautiful farmland, legacy land, and homes. IT HAS TO BE VOTED AGAINST, immediately!!! Enough is enough.
I agree no more purchase of our land by foreigners also we need to take back ownership of all our meat processing plants. Also stop sending some of our products to China to have them do part of the process then they send it back to us to mark as our product. When I think it has been contaminated.
Gates bought thousand of acres of our farmland. We need that put back in farmland .
I also want to have a list when these parcels of land become available for sale. Evergreen and Black Rock are bankrupt or filed for it and some assets have been seized so we need to know where and how to bid on those.