Cancer cure

Policy Proposal: Criminalization of Withholding Medical Cures and Enhanced Protections for Whistleblowers


Advancements in medical research have the potential to save millions of lives worldwide. To ensure that breakthroughs in treatments, especially for life-threatening diseases like cancer, reach the public promptly, it is imperative to establish strict legal frameworks. This policy proposes severe penalties for corporate executives who deliberately withhold effective medical cures from the public. Additionally, it introduces significant incentives and protections for whistleblowers who expose such unethical practices, classifying the deliberate withholding of medical cures as “Crimes Against Humanity.”


• The Importance of Timely Access to Medical Treatments

• Global Health Impact: Diseases like cancer are leading causes of death globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer accounted for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020.

• Ethical Obligations: Pharmaceutical companies and research institutions have ethical obligations to bring effective treatments to market promptly.

• Trust in Healthcare Systems: Public trust in healthcare systems and pharmaceutical companies is crucial for effective disease management and prevention strategies.

• Challenges in Medical Innovation Dissemination

• Intellectual Property and Profit Motives: Balancing profit motives with public health needs can sometimes lead to ethical dilemmas.

• Regulatory Hurdles: While regulatory processes are essential for safety, unnecessary delays can hinder access to lifesaving treatments.

• Whistleblower Risks: Individuals who expose unethical practices often face retaliation, including career loss and personal safety threats.

Policy Proposal

  1. Criminalization of Withholding Medical Cures

• Definition of Offense: It shall be a criminal offense for top executives of pharmaceutical companies or medical research institutions to knowingly and deliberately withhold effective medical cures for life-threatening diseases from the public after conclusive evidence of their efficacy and safety has been established.

• Classification as Crimes Against Humanity: Such actions will be classified under international law as “Crimes Against Humanity” due to their potential to cause widespread harm.

• Penalties

• Imprisonment: Convicted individuals shall face life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

• Corporate Liability: Companies involved shall be subject to substantial fines, sanctions, and potential dissolution.

  1. Enhanced Incentives and Protections for Whistleblowers

• Financial Incentives

• Non-Taxed Monetary Reward: Whistleblowers who provide solid evidence leading to the conviction of offenders will receive a $5 million non-taxed reward.

• Eligibility Criteria: The whistleblower must present verifiable and substantial evidence of deliberate withholding of medical cures.

• Protection Measures

• Witness Protection Program: Lifetime witness protection for the whistleblower and their immediate family members.

• Anonymity Assurance: Legal mechanisms to protect the identity of the whistleblower during and after legal proceedings.

• Anti-Retaliation Laws: Strong enforcement of laws preventing retaliation against whistleblowers, including legal action against those who attempt to intimidate or harm them.

  1. Establishment of an Oversight Body

• Creation of a Regulatory Authority: Establish an independent agency responsible for monitoring pharmaceutical companies and research institutions for compliance.

• Responsibilities

• Audit and Compliance Checks: Regular audits of research projects, clinical trial data, and drug approval processes.

• Investigation Powers: Authority to investigate allegations of withheld cures and enforce legal actions.

  1. International Collaboration

• Global Enforcement: Work with international bodies like the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to ensure global enforcement of these laws.

• Information Sharing: Collaborate with international regulatory agencies to share information about potential offenses and coordinate protective measures for whistleblowers.

Expected Benefits

  1. Acceleration of Medical Advances to the Public

• Timely Access: Ensures that effective treatments reach patients without unnecessary delays.

• Enhanced Public Health: Potential reduction in mortality rates from diseases like cancer due to earlier access to cures.

  1. Ethical Corporate Practices

• Corporate Accountability: Establishes clear consequences for unethical behavior by corporate executives.

• Restoration of Trust: Reinforces public trust in pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry.

  1. Empowerment of Whistleblowers

• Risk Mitigation: Reduces personal and professional risks associated with exposing wrongdoing.

• Encouragement of Ethical Reporting: Incentivizes individuals to come forward with critical information that can save lives.

Potential Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

  1. Burden of Proof

• Challenge: Establishing intentional withholding of a cure requires substantial evidence.

• Mitigation: Develop clear legal definitions and standards for what constitutes “withholding” and “effective cure,” including scientific and regulatory benchmarks.

  1. Impact on Innovation

• Challenge: Companies may fear legal repercussions, potentially leading to over-disclosure or hindrance in proprietary research.

• Mitigation: Ensure that the policy protects legitimate intellectual property rights and trade secrets unrelated to proven cures.

  1. International Legal Jurisdiction

• Challenge: Enforcing the policy across different countries with varying legal systems.

• Mitigation: Engage in international treaties and agreements to harmonize laws and enforcement mechanisms.


The deliberate withholding of effective medical cures is not only unethical but poses a severe threat to global public health. By criminalizing such actions and providing robust incentives and protections for whistleblowers, this policy aims to deter unethical practices and promote the rapid dissemination of lifesaving treatments. Classifying deliberate withholding as a “Crime Against Humanity” underscores the gravity of the offense and aligns with international efforts to protect human rights. Implementing this policy will require collaboration between governments, international organizations, and the healthcare industry to ensure its effectiveness and fairness.


• World Health Organization (WHO). (2021). Cancer. Link

• Transparency International. (2020). The Ignored Pandemic: How Corruption in Healthcare Service Delivery Threatens Universal Health Coverage. [Link](


[The deeper issue may tlbe the financial incentives within the allopathic pharma/oil system compared to the holistic/naturpathic systems.

We could force all pharmaceutical company’s to be non profits.

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