Pharmaceutical Accountability and Cure Development Act

Draft Law: Pharmaceutical Accountability and Cure Development Act

Section 1: Title and Purpose

This law shall be known as the “Pharmaceutical Accountability and Cure Development Act.” Its purpose is to prioritize the development of cures for diseases and conditions over the mere treatment of symptoms, ensuring pharmaceutical companies are held accountable for their role in public health.

Section 2: Definitions

  1. Pharmaceutical Company: Any entity engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, or distribution of drugs or medical treatments.
  2. Chronic Symptom: A health condition characterized by persistent symptoms that require ongoing treatment rather than a definitive cure.
  3. Cure: A treatment or intervention that completely eliminates a disease or condition, restoring the individual to a state of health.

Section 3: Mandate for Cure Development

  1. Research and Development Requirement:

    • Pharmaceutical companies shall prioritize the research and development of cures for chronic diseases and conditions.
    • Companies must allocate a minimum of 20% of their annual revenues from chronic symptom treatments towards research aimed at finding a cure.
  2. Reporting:

    • Companies are required to submit annual reports to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing their research efforts and progress towards developing cures.

Section 4: Cost Cap on Chronic Symptom Treatments

  1. Cost Recovery:

    • Pharmaceutical companies shall be allowed to set prices for drugs that treat chronic symptoms to recoup research and development costs.
    • Once the company has recouped its costs, the price of the drug shall be capped.
  2. Post-Cost Cap Pricing:

    • After recouping costs, the company must continue producing and selling the drug at a price not exceeding the cost of production plus four percent (4%).
    • This pricing structure shall remain in effect until a cure for the condition is developed.

Section 5: Enforcement and Penalties

  1. Compliance:

    • The HHS shall oversee compliance with this law, conducting regular audits of pharmaceutical companies’ financial records and research efforts.
  2. Penalties:

    • Companies that fail to comply with the mandates of this law shall face penalties, including loss of patent protection, fines up to $10 million, suspension of production licenses, or both.
    • Continued failure to comply may result in further sanctions, including potential criminal charges against responsible executives.

Section 6: Public Awareness and Education

  1. Initiative:
    • The HHS shall initiate a public awareness campaign to inform patients and healthcare providers about the importance of seeking cures and the provisions of this law.

Section 7: Implementation

This law shall take effect immediately upon passage and shall apply to all pharmaceutical companies operating or selling drugs within the jurisdiction.

Section 8: Review and Amendment

The provisions of this law shall be reviewed every five years to assess its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to ensure its goals are met.