#BorderCrisis Voluntary Mass Deportation Before Sweeping Mass Deportation

As a Southside Chicagoan who has experienced first-hand the havoc, and misplacement of funds the #BorderCrisis has bestowed on our cities, and nation, I believe there is no clean way to resolve this issue with a Mass Deportation event.

We know that the illegal immigration population is receiving benefits that exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars per person, per year, and will only compound as asylum cases are taking years to process.

I believe that on Day 1 of a Trump presidency, Birthright Citizenship should be abolished for children of illegal parents, or anyone with a pending U.S. citizenship application.

Also, anyone with a claim for asylum, or any other visa that commits a crime, whether that’s theft, assault, murder, etc. should be automatically deported, and banned entry to the country, and forbidden from applying for any type of visa.

Additionally, I believe that SELF-REPORTING mass deportation is the only way we can prevent a mass drain on public funding/support for the +15M illegal immigrants that have come over the border in the last 4 years. The only way to get these people to self-report for deportation would be to offer them a financial benefit to do so, and go back.

We should, coupled with the abolition of Birthright Citizenship for non-citizen parents, should offer a $10,000 USD one-time payment for self-registering and agreeing to deportation for illegal immigrants. Although this seems like a reward for breaking our laws, the reality is that them staying here will drain far more on our public systems, and they will likely have children that will tie them to the U.S. and cost us far more than this one-time payment.

The terms of the one-time $10,000 payment would be to withdraw all asylum or special protections granted current in the system, the renouncing of U.S. citizenship for any children granted so due to being born on U.S. soil, and a signed document that states that these people cannot apply for visas or U.S. citizenship for at least 10 years.

Additionally, this is a one-time program, that has a very specific date of 1.5-2 years from first day of Trump administration. If any illegal immigrants fail to self-report for this program, and the timeline expires, they will receive nothing, and a Mass Deportation Operation by ICE will be executed to the full extent of the law. Additionally, if anyone who did not self-report for the one-time payment program is caught by ICE, they are deported automatically, and all current claims in process are rejected immediately, and they are banned for life from visas or entry to the U.S.

The past 3.5 years of open border policy have created a problem the likes of which we’ve never seen before, and this solution may not be great, but would be in the interest of everyone involved to implement and eat the cost of to save us from bankruptcy in a decade.

United-States-Department-of-Homeland-Security Homeland-Security #Border #Immigration #IllegalImmigration #BorderPatrol #ICE #BorderCrisis


No path for citizenship for illegal aliens!