I’ve seen the potential costs of mass deportation could be estimated at up to $54 billion dollars a year. My suggestion is to incentivize people to leave on their own by offering a cash payment of say $10,000. They could start a new life somewhere else and have money in their pocket instead of being worried of sudden deportation. This would take a huge burden away from local communities, and potential harmful situations for both parties.
Noooo, No more money for people who entered this country illegality.
Currently the people here are costing the American Tax payers 150 BILLION a year in Housing, Healthcare, Food.
If we save the 150 BILLION each years we can afford to send them back, Also I can do this much cheaper. Bus to Airport and whatever the cost of booking an entire plane costs
No. We’ve given Too much already. They need to go on their own or physically be removed.
Keeping them costs a lot more!