Transparency of the content of bills passed in congress is paramount. A website should be created where proposed legislation is posted for the public to read. It should contain information about who actually wrote and sponsored the bill by name (contributing corporate lawyers and the businesses they work for, congressional staff, etc.). There should be sufficient time for the public to read and react to the content of the proposal. A 60-90 day cooling off period where public debate should preceed voting to identify flaws with the bill that may negatively impact the public (but benefit the corporations). This would allow transperancy and proper debate between the public and legislatures to amend, support or oppose this bill. Public website voting on individual proposals might be feature of the website. Limited to one topic per bill only.
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I think to add to this, bills must only contain authority and verbiage that pertains to that specific issue. Nothing unrelated can be added. There is no “we will do what you want but we are getting everything we want”. It’s blackmail
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