Ban white LED lights from public spaces

The white LED lights are bad for humans and animals. Simple.


Yes! Also bring back incandescent bulbs for home use, the bright white LEDs give me a headache. Vote up this post also: Ban LED Headlights


Can you elaborate?

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Based on information available on the internet:

White LED lights, particularly those with high blue light content, can have several negative effects on human health and the environment. These lights are known to disrupt circadian rhythms, the natural sleep-wake cycle, by suppressing melatonin production, which can lead to sleep disorders and related health issues such as fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, prolonged exposure to blue-rich light from white LEDs may contribute to eye strain, headaches, and potentially long-term vision damage due to increased retinal stress.

For animals, white LED lighting can disorient nocturnal species, disrupt migration patterns, interfere with mating behaviors, and disturb natural feeding habits. Wildlife that is sensitive to light can become more vulnerable to predators and other environmental changes due to artificial lighting.

Warm lighting, on the other hand, with less blue light, is generally more in tune with natural light patterns, promoting better sleep and reducing eye strain in humans. It also minimizes the impact on wildlife by causing less disruption to their nocturnal and behavioral activities, making it a more eco-friendly choice for both health and environmental conservation.


LED lights are blinding. When swimming on my back, the LED lights on the ceiling hurt my eyes. I wish they werenā€™t mandated in housing and businesses. We should have the option to opt out. I think LED bulbs can be used to transmit wireless signals which raises other concerns.

My bedroom window faces a car dealership and 24x7 Super Wawa. There is so much ambient light that I no longer see a night sky. Humans need darkness at night to sleep well. It would be better if these parking lot LED lights were amber at night. And all porch lights and motion flood lights should also be facing downwards.

And I agree, no LED headlights on cars. They are blinding!


I agree! Please bring back incandescent lightbulbs. LED lights hurt my eyes and give me a headache. Fluorescent lighting is better than LED.


Ban all high lumens outdoor led lights and lightbulbs. Thank you.


BAN ALL LED lights from existence. Obama knew exactly what he was doing when he passed a ban on incandescent lights. Filament lights are warming, bring health and sooth the soul. LED lights emit mercury, cause macular degeneration, depression, and flicker so many times/second that our brains are unknowingly affected negatively. Mini strobe lights. The sound-vibration-frequency given off by LEDs are damaging. Test it yourself. Feel it. I truly, TRULY believe Obama knew the damage LED lights would cause to human DNA, and Iā€™ve known it since the day he signed the ban. A President involved in private business and banning minute commercial products to ā€œsaveā€ mere pennies was an indicator there was a lot more to this. I waited nearly 5 years for reports and studies on LED damage to reach public view. And when my CA apt complex switched all exterior and perm fixed interior apt lights to LED (essentially turning a once beautiful, warm and welcoming community into a sterile, cold, BLUE prison camp) during the great fake flu plannedemic in exchange for $4M care act fraudulent forgiveable loans, I fled. I was the last apt (of 300) to get my interior lights switched over - I refused entry. Thankfully, Iā€™m a contract manager so I knew my lease stated they couldnā€™t legally change my interior until I vacated. Of course that earned me a poor tenant review when I attempted to rent in a new state - but vacating CA afforded freedom to buy a home in my new state, so the joke was on them.

I squirrelā€™d incandescents before the ban took effect. And today you can buy them if you look hard enough, but the ban should be lifted entirely. LEDā€™s save pennies over decades, but the health damage they cause wonā€™t ever be pin-pointed by medical professionals or studies. By design. On the flip side, the warmth of incandescents bring way too many health benefits for them to NOT be readily available to the masses. You canā€™t find recessed incandescents on the market anywhere today and sadly, LED recessed lights fill millions of homes todayā€¦ people do not know or care about the damage theyā€™re causing to their families and environment. I am still shocked by the number of teens who line their bedroom walls - and keep them active/turned on 24/7. I cannot imagine what those LED flickers are doing to damage young brains. Itā€™s really concerning.


Iā€™m just going to drop this here as the problem isnā€™t LEDs themselves, itā€™s the way they are designed for most cheap available packages.


Awesome thanks for adding context.

This article shows medical evidence of retinal damage from LEDs.


I just created another policy to join the cause. Itā€™s called BAN all blue and white Car LED lights.