Ban vaccine mandates

Ban any and all vaccine mandates!


I agree. But I want to go one step further and ban mRNA vaccines altogether. There is no evidence of efficacy and mountains of evidence that they aren’t safe.


[Ban/Moretorium. Also audit the whole federal vaccine system. Produce a report about the vaccine system. Suggest improvements.]


I would add that any state that enforces any kind of mandate for medical interventions, whether it be for vaccines, masks, or the like should lose federal funding. There needs to be some sort of mechanism to disincentivize medical mandates.


The Netherlands does not enforce vaccines, but has a great support system for parents, including good info and availability on the vaccines.


Considering the number of illegals aliens entering this country who are never required to obtain vaccinations (including their children to attend school) vaccine mandates are obsolete.

Proven, time-tested and safe vaccines should be available to those who want them, or for their own children. It’s a choice and should remain so.

Ban mandates.


And remove protections from lawsuits for vaccine manufacturers


And all invasive procedures


I remember “My body. My choice”…except where some government wants to modify your body.

This is more than just a public health issue and more than just a legal issue at hand.

Recall that whistle blowers in New Zealand were ALLEGEDLY arrested for revealing that 20%-25% of the recipients of the Pfizer vaccination died within the first 12 months, following vaccination. They weren’t arrested for being incorrect; they were arrested for not having permission to release those data. The person, whom alerted us to their arrest, also went missing, ALLEGEDLY.

Especially, with respect to mRNA vaccines, this easily could be considered government genocide.

mRNA (CRISPR, for instance) replaces a particular genetic sequence with another.

To see the problem with this, open a word processing document and replace a letter sequence with another…then do a spell check on the document.

CRISPR-like mRNA was originally viewed as a means to remove a genetic pre-disposition to an ailment, such as cancer, where there was no other option (cancer primary causes are ALLEGEDLY chemical exposure, including drugs, high energy influences, virus’ and a genetic predisposition).

mRNA is way too fraught with problematic uncertainties to be mandated as a population-wide treatment.

Where vaccines contain mercury compounds, and such, this amounts to medical abuse-- not treatment.

The people SHOULD have the lattitude to say “NO”!




If they repeal the 1986 act that made them immune from injuries it will all come crashing down.


Vaccines should always been voluntary! Don’t forget about the vaccine mandates for Green Card Applicants!


Absolutely. Europe used to be like this it. It should NOT be required to get injected in order to go to school!!! And yes I know there are exemptions but they are not easy to get and most don’t know they can get them. Secondly, insurance and Pharma should be banned from incentivizing these mandates.


Medical Informed Consent is an inalienable right.


Especially for public education! Parents should not be held hostage in order to educate their child espcially when they are paying for public education!



mRNA vaccinations have been used for research purposes in attempt to treat severe illnesses without known remedies, not all their applications are bad.

It is a more robust solution to this problem to increase medical privacy protections so that people cannot be compelled to disclose their medical and/or vaccination history for employment, entering buildings, attending school, etc.

Banning mRNA technology wholesale only addresses one issue, increasing medical privacy protections prevents similar events from happening no matter the technology involved.

Ban vaccines. Even vaccines given by parents voluntary to their children are harmful.


YES! Absolutely all of them!
To include the mandated flu and hep vaxx for those in a medical profession!
I have been “granted an exemption” for the clot-shot but we are still mandated to get the flu shot or wear a mask for 1/2 the year.
It is very degrading and offensive.


End vaccine mandates for LEGAL immigrants, an often ignored group, that is one of the few still required to be up to date on all Covid shots and boosters. Please consider offering an option for people applying for a green card to opt for a medical screening instead of mandatory vaccinations/immunizations.

Countless people who are here LEGALLY on a visa, applying for a green card, are being told that their application will be denied, unless they receive a whole list of required vaccines, including the Covid-19 vaccine and boosters (last checked and verified on October 11th 2024).

There is no vaccination requirements to enter the US on a VISA, only a medical screening, and some lab work to confirm they have no illnesses is needed before being allowed to enter.

Why is getting vaccinated to get a green card mandatory, after most of these people have been here for legally for years? Shouldn’t getting a second medical screening, like the one they got when entering the US, be enough?

I personally know, and have been in contact with many LEGAL visa holders now applying for a green card that are facing this problem. The current system is stacked against them, leaving them with limited choices:

comply with the vaccination mandate against their will, or abandon their dreams and leave the US to remain vaccine-free. A religious exemption waiver is possible, but from the legal immigrants and immigration lawyers I’ve talked to, very difficult to get, and even strong cases are often denied.

Please consider getting rid of the mandatory vaccination requirement for everyone, including the legal immigrants applying for a green card, whose needs and fears are being ignored by the current system.

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