Vaccine mandates

Make vaccine mandates illegal people should be able to choose what they want to put into their body. Nobody should lose their livelihood, or their medical freedom over a vaccine. No doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional should be silenced or disregarded on their views and knowledge of vaccines. The childhood vaccination schedule should not be mandatory and contingent on going to school. The CDC should become an honest broker and not have people sitting on the board of big Pharma. The media and big Pharma should not be allowed to push vaccines. Use fear use shame use isolation or try to buy people off to get a vaccine.


100% agree!

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“Vaccines” need to be pulled off the market altogether. The CDC and FDA should be abolished for corruption. We need to build our own new systems free from the globalists.


They should be required to also list all ingredients of each vaccine and their complete definitions of the ingredients. Like how theres K9 DNA in the Flu vaccine or aborted fetus DNA in the Hepatitis vaccine.

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