Ban Pharmaceuticals from advertising on TV

The promotion of pharmaceutical on TV shall be banned. No longer will negative and fear based advertising be allowed on the air waves for public distribution.


I’m in total agreement with this. These pharmaceutical companies pushing these toxic chemicals on us is in fact what is making me as sick.


You forgot lawyers!
Way more fear-mongering or urge to play the system for money not earned


Absolutely! But that also means from YouTube, and any of the streaming services as well. Yesterday while decorating my home for Christmas, I had a lovely Christmas music channel on, and since I refused to pay for YouTube TV, I saw/heard the same commercial for prostate cancer treatment over and over again in an hours time span. Heard the same horrific side effects, not to mention that I don’t have a prostate!(I don’t need a biologist To tell me I’m a woman!)




Agree. Good point.


Also, consider the following.




Totally agree here. Big Pharma must only profit if the drug is truly safe and effective (not what our current very corrupt FDA says). Slick TV ads lure in so many people unnecessarily and many times times to extremely expensive products.

Doctors should know the most effective treatments which work for the individual patient. TV ads help Big Pharma much more than the individual. With our current insurance system getting these ultra expensive products they advertise paid is often quite difficult. Bottom line though is these ads only increase the already crazy high prices Big Pharma has imposed for much too long.


Totally agree. Ban pharma advertising everywhere - just like cigarettes. Advertise for holistic treatments instead.


I agree! The money they save on advertising should go to the people they harmed with their pharmaceuticals.


If a pharmaceutical is produced using taxpayer funds th e price should be based on the true cost to produce, not the cost to research and advertise with a reasonable profit for the producer.
If the federal agency deems that advertising is necessary to emhance its use it should be produced by tye federal agency in tye form of a PSA.



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Exactly, we now live in a world where we cannot get adequate pain control meds that at worst gave me constipation but every other commercial is for a drug that takes 2 minutes to name most of the side effects whick include awful things like severe infections of the perineum and often causes death and says ask your Drxif this is right for you, answer none are, treat my pain!

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Not only does pharmaceutical advertising cause fearmongering, but it prevents the tv station or network, radio station, streaming service, social media site, etc from reporting fairly about the pharmaceutical. That’s why there’s been so little in the msm about adverse effects to the covid vaccine. Pharmaceuticals were banned from advertising until 1997. We need to ban them permanently!


This is almost the number one that no one thinks about. They would be breaking sec rules every day of the week. Lawyers can’t regulate themselves. Analogy would be Congress digging themselves raises for working so hard. Laughable. Bar association created the administrative state because of how loose and unchecked their power and authority. What it comes down to is common law rights and unalienable rights that have been upended by the lawyers in all facets of government and public realm. This was the first thought I had when I saw the premedical advertising. Imagine the sick pumpers profits if they could reed herring as the pharmaceutical companies do. Sickening. Great point serge

This is almost the number one that no one thinks about. They would be breaking sec rules every day of the week. Lawyers can’t regulate themselves. Analogy would be Congress giving themselves raises for working so hard. Laughable. Bar association created the administrative state because of how loose and unchecked their power and authority. What it comes down to is common law rights and unalienable rights that have been upended by the lawyers in all facets of government and public realm. This was the first thought I had when I saw the premedical advertising. Imagine the sick pumpers profits if they could reed herring as the pharmaceutical companies do. Sickening. Great point serge

I’ve always found ads for pharmaceuticals dubious. For the simple fact that it turns the general population into sales people by telling viewers to ask their doctors about a medications; this should end!

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It is about time.

100%!!! I’m so tired of seeing them promoting their poison!

Agree with the first half - cost to research should be based on true cost.

No to advertising as a PSA. You need to repeal multiple pieces of legislation including the Bayh-Dole Act to get the profit to government taxpayer paid employees. Even though taxpayers pay the salaries and benefits of these employee and also fund research and development, the employees who essentially work for the US citizens reap the benefit of patents. That is a conflict of interest to any PSA or advertising to be controlled by that agency. If these employees worked for any private corporation they would not get the patents, the employer would get the patent. So allowing them to get a patent when their salaries and benefits and research are all paid for by US citizens and not by themselves should be repealed regardless.

But there are multiple pieces of legislation that need to be repealed in order for corruption and revolving door opportunities that create conflicts of interest for any advertising even as a PSA.