Stop people like Fauci - Steps to Pharm Reform -STOP PHARM FROM GREED

  • Repeal the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act
  • Repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
  • Repeal the 2004 Project Bioshield Act
  • Repeal the 2005 PREP Act
  • Outlaw Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising
  • Encode Medical Freedom into Federal Law
    This article explains in detail why:

" By allowing the NIH authority to assign publicly funded intellectual property rights and statutory power to protect exclusive use of them, the Bayh-Dole Act opened the door widely for massive corruption between industry and regulators and greatly enabled the extreme degree of agency capture now present at the NIH and other Federal Agencies.

Bayh-Dole has been a failure. It should be repealed and replaced.

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 should be repealed, returning vaccines to the same tort liability status as other drugs.

Emergency Use Authorization avenue for pharmaceutical products to be brought to market. Among other things, this law empowered the FDA to authorize unapproved products for emergency use, in the event of a public health emergency as declared by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

By its very design, this law is ripe for abuse. It places immense power in the hands of the unelected Director of HHS, who can declare an emergency activating the law, and who simultaneously oversees the FDA.

The PREP Act, which was heavily lobbied for by vaccine manufacturers, provides an unprecedented level of blanket tort liability to Big Pharma and other medical-related industries in the event of declared bioterrorism events, pandemics, and other emergencies. Again, tremendous power is placed in the hands of the Director of HHS, who has broad discretion to declare such an emergency.

In addition to repealing the deeply flawed laws discussed, two pieces of straightforward legislation are needed to limit Big Pharma’s undue influence on society.

Outlaw Direct to Consumer Pharm Advertising
Big Pharma abuses this privilege by aggressively hawking almost any product it feels it can profit from. Direct-to-consumer television advertisements heavily target the elderly. This is an important component of Big Pharma’s push to promote. Even more importantly, direct-to-consumer advertising provides Big Pharma with a legal way to capture media. Through direct-to-consumer advertising, Big Pharma has bought the media’s silence.

Encode Medical Freedom into law
Citizens shall not be deprived of any rights protected in the US Constitution, or of their ability to fully participate in society, on the basis of their acceptance or refusal of any medical treatment(s) or procedure(s).
Citizens shall not be deprived of any rights protected in the US Constitution, or of their ability to fully participate in society, on the basis of a medical or public health emergency.

See the article for futher details on each bill.

Steps to remove Pharm from injecting animals such as Bill Gates wanting to inject Cows to reduce carbon emmission (farts) also needs to be stopped.

Merge: Ban MRNA vaccination for our pets

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Consider the following also:

Merge policy