BAN Electronic Voting machines

BAN Electronic Voting machines at all levels of government: Federal , State, and Local
Return to the basic paper ballot systems
All states need to have the same voting method: Paper
Vote counting is done by hand only
Any party at the ballet will have the same amount of ballet count verification personnel on site.
It is time to unplug our elections and put faith back into our election process, and get back to basics
like the rest of the world

Electronic Voting machine companies cannot lobby any state agency.



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Electronic voting should only be allowed within a Blockchain network.


I think the problem is that the ‘voting machines’ aren’t normal machines, they are computers… we need to end computers involved in voting.
We could have machines, as in mechanical ones to tabulate votes. Only allow for open-source and mechanical tabulation tools, that can be tested, and can demonstrate clearly all of their functions. We could have ‘machines’ that school kids could understand made from standard parts.


I gotta say “Yes” to this because this is how “FRACTIONAL VOTING” is implemented.

As I understand, the votes from smaller cirues, towns, etc., is AVERAGED against larger metropoolis’ and the will ofvthe voters in smaller cities is mathematically truncated.


There’s no such thing as a fraction of a vote or of a voter!


Because we also want ranked choice voting and the option for quick DIY re-counts, I devised a system 18 years ago that still makes a lot of sense today. It provides for hand-marked paper ballots, web-verifiable collection and counting of ballots, downloadable ballot images and the option for multi-party redundant ballot scanning at the precinct level before sending of ballots to county centers for aggregation.

Because hand-marked paper ballots are used, paper ballots cannot be altered by voting equipment.

Because multiple parties may scan the ballots at the precinct level with either commercial or open-source software, any attempt to record ballots fraudulently will be detected by competing ballot counting agents.

Because electronic scanning is used, it is much easier to conduct recounts and easy to calculate ranked-choice voting results. Plus the speed of counting makes it easier to maintain chain of custody and observation because less time is required to complete the counting.

The routine use of optical scanning for counting does not exclude the possibility of hand-counting the ballots if an independent agent wishes to count the votes directly from the images their own scanner records/copies. Because hand-counters can work from their own scanned images, they needn’t trust officials to scan the ballots accurately, nor do they interfere with chain of custody of ballots which election officials must protect from the precinct level to the final aggregation of counts at the county levels until certification is achieved.

Exactly. No machines, no tabulators.


I think this covers it and expands it:


Combine with this proposal maybe?

Yeah, I like the TRUTH one combined with this one:

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[Here’s a video revealing election fraud through voting systems. ]

What about this policy?

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The problem with paper ballots is then we go back to “its not who votes, but who counts the vote”…

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I have to disagree ! Do you know HOW LONG THIS WOULD TAKE??? and the fact that there would be soooo many errors! People make many mistakes I worked in inventory and the amount of times I found counts wrong or missed were plentiful there’s a reason why machines are used they’re more accurate and less prone to errors. Many manufacturers use machines to do their counts because of the accuracy. They would have to be double or triple checked. And the amount of ballots we receive and would have to count by hand would be a nightmare… how would we know if Frank didn’t miscounted ? you wouldn’t…

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At the very least, the ability to track your vote from beginning to end! Knowing for a fact that how you voted stays the way you voted. And why the sticker for voting? Where’s the receipt?! We get receipts for literally everything else. Why not for something as life changing as the election? The majority of my anxiety during the election was if my vote would even matter. Or if it was going to be manipulated by the system. Technology has come so far and yet we don’t have a more organized process than this??

Plus why are we normalizing the extended process of counting votes? We’ve had months to mail in ballots. The deadline should be set in Election Day. Not dragged out. It’s too sketchy when that happens. Too much of a window for tampering.

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Sounds good
I would like to see more comparable voting methods across states, not necessarily federally mandated as that is constitutionally forbidden. I absolutely want to see our voting locked down. I am concerned about mail-in voting, postal workers handling ballots, and two weeks to count. That seems to be ridiculous since we can handle high- volume counting very efficiently in other areas.

Valid arguments here. A machine, unconnected to the internet, that simply reads the input and counts, like an enriched turnstile! Oh! And MADE IN THE USA!

Also, an ID is necessary for voting! :slight_smile: