Ban Corporate & Foreign Lobbying

The government should act on the desires and interests of its own citizens that vote to elect them. Corporations and foreign nations , via lobbying, influence policy and decision making at the highest levels. With lobbying, the government represents the interest of those lobby and special interest groups, and not the interests of its own citizens.

This is fundamentally not right.

It’s common sense to see how millions of dollars in donations from a corporation or foreign lobby could lead to legislation and policy that favors the corporation, business entity, or foreign nation. The best interests of these corporations (and foreign nations), which are usually profit driven, does not always align with the best interest of ‘we the people’. Let us take back control of our government by banning all corporate and foreign lobby groups!


Agree with this one. The interests of the public rarely align with corporations and they have the money to influence way too much.


This imo is the root of the majority of our troubles for our political system. Our government is supposed to be for the people and not for sale to the highest bidder. Politicians might actually start being concerned with what the people want again and working for our interest if this stops. I believe this would be the first big step in stopping corruption and deceit.


We need to make lobbying illegal, and we need to abolish the revolving door jobs and reward jobs for a cooling off period of several years after the person has left office.