Ban corporate lobbying

For far too long we have supported an unfair system where corporate lobbyists with unlimited resources can buy and sell our politicians for their own special interests at the expense and detriment of the american people. I would even go as far as to suggest auditing politicians bank accounts for transparency on this matter to deter corruption. Theres no reason a public servant with a generous six figure salary should be a multi millionaire after serving a single term if they are working in the interest of the american people. No longer should big arms dealers like raytheon and lockheed martin lobby for forever wars that don’t concern us to sell weapons. No longer should big pharma be able to lobby for “medecines” or “vaccines” with no liability that kill or harm americans. No longer should food companies be allowed to lobby for putting harmful additives and chemicals in our food that promotes obesity and diabetes. We need to end the corruption by removing the bribery at its source.


Not only corruption by visibility seeing their bank accounts for corruption and lobbying but politicians shouldn’t be allowed to invest in any companies in the Stock market, Crypto, or any other entity that would cause them to lean a certain way on issues.

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America was structured as government by the people and for the people. Corporations are not people and should not be able to “donate” money to politicians to get them to vote the way they want.