I saw that there is change coming for regular hourly workers to get tax free overtime pay, but I wish that something could be done for our salaried workers too. it breaks my heart watching my husband and so many of his friends break their backs over manual labor but don’t ever get compensated for that extra work. most of them are making less than their hourly
Workers at this rate due to salary laws.
I completely agree with this statement.As a nurse manager every single position I worked in particularly in Long term care settings;we were required to work massive hours overtime but were never compensated for our time.We were told that we would get a day off but that almost never happened instead of that if you called off or requested time off myself and several other nurses I knew would find our paycheck being docked.It didn’t happen at just one company it happened at three different companies.
Check into your state employment compensation laws. In Wisconsin (unless it has changed in the past 10 yrs), for example, if a salaried manager spends more than 20% of their time doing work normally done by those they supervise (frontline work), then they must be paid OT.
[I have not worked in the HR field for about 10 yrs now, so please correct me if I am wrong.]