My husband and I have both lost considerable weight cutting out ultra processed foods and added sugar foods.
In addition, my cholesterol has cut to 1/3 from what it was 4 years ago.
Both of our inflammation pain is virtually non-existent.
Additionally we also have a lot of extra energy to stay active and get out and physically enjoy life.
Most people are addicted to sugar and UPF and don’t realize it and after about a month of breaking the hold the sugar/chemicals has over you, you just don’t crave food anymore like you did previously. It takes a ton of discipline but if you’re motivated you can get healthy fairly easily and cheaply because you just don’t buy a lot of food anymore.
I believe this food conditioning starts very young and kids get hooked but I do not believe our government should be funding this garbage in schools. There should be absolutely not one sugar added drink in schools and the foods being fed to the children of this country should be REAL foods that are MADE not REHEATED like it was when I was young without the poisonous/addictive chemicals in them.
You’re not going to win every battle because most of it starts at home but the government funding should not be contributing to the ongoing obesity/health problems in our country.