I understand that the stance on abortion is considered murder, but instead of reinstating Roe vs. Wade, we reinvent it;
Abortion will still be banned unless it is to due, life threatening issues for child and/or mother, rape, incest, the welfare of the child; I.e. coming from parents with severe drug or alcoholic addictions (current or recent plus the severity of it). Parents with severe mental issues which could carry to the child, the financial welfare of the family (within reason), parents who have committed crimes of pedophilia, murder and anything consistent with the severity of those crimes.
I created a comprehensive policy solution that matches your ideas. Would you please review it?
I just cleaned up the structure. It doesn’t ban abortion because Trump has repeatedly rebuffed calls to pass a ban. This is a well-researched, comprehensive, federal exception law, that addresses top concerns about abortion and pro-life laws vs. maternal healthcare, will calm the polarization of this issue and help attract more voters.