Abortion ban updated

I think that the abortion ban exceptions need to be updated. I keep seeing women dying because doctors are scared to intervene too quickly. I know most places say, “rape, incest, and the life of the mother”.
We need it to be updated to, “If the life of the mother will be at risk to then allow intervention”. We should not have to wait to get help until we are on the brink of death.

Courts, lawyers, OB-GYN’s have repeatedly said that no pro-life law requires the doctor to wait until she is at death’s door. Doctors who do that are committing medical malpractice.

On the other hand, it wouldn’t hurt to have a federal exception law to clarify this for all the naysayers.

I created a detailed policy addressing those concerns. Please consider it?

FYI - the very first paragraph summarizes the whole idea, and the actual content of my proposal comes after a few disclaimer paragraphs/my MAHA letter:

RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue