Although I respect everyone’s right to have an opinion on this topic, what if we only let women vote on this topic in each state?
Men have just as much a stake in the matter of abortion. If you want uncontrolled rights to abort a baby without the father having a say, then he should have the right walk away without financial repercussions or responsibility if a woman makes the sole decision to keep the baby. You can’t have it both ways darling.
It’s ridiculous to think abortion is a woman only topic. It takes a man and a woman to create a baby, therefore, the man should have a say as well. I don’t care about someone’s view on abortion legalities, but to levitate women above men on the subject of creating a life is complete nonsense.
Your question has the answer. Each state makes their own abortion laws, so I don’t think you could limit those votes to just women .
Thank you for your feedback. I think you are correct and it could not happen but perhaps we could weigh their vote higher than men to try and compensate for it being their body. Just a thought. I have since taken the question down, as it seemed to anger someone and she started making assumptions about me. Too much negative energy so I requested it to be removed.
Abortion is a women’s issue, because only women can be pregnant and have an abortion, so women should always be centered in political discussions about women’s issues.
OTOH, I’m pro-life. I think abortion ideology is anti-woman to its core. And unfortunately, women tend to be biased in favor of having access to elective abortion, so I would naturally dissent to the idea that only women vote on this issue.
Besides, everyone is a former fetus, and as a former fetus, they should have a say in the political process on issues involving fetuses.
This is unnecessarily complicated. The question of abortion is a states-rights issue and will not be decided in federal law. The individual states will decide on abortions in their own states.
Abortion affects the fetus/baby most, so all living citizens should vote on the laws since the fetus can’t.
Actually, the “states-rights-only” thing is a misconception. Abortion is both a federal and states issue, because it relates to “inter-state commerce” and because of the government’s constitutional requirement to protect the due process rights of every “PERSON” regarding their “life, liberty and property.”
I have created an abortion-related proposal meant to address the top concerns about abortion and pro-life laws. I summarized its constitutionality in this way: The Dobbs decision does NOT say anything about abortion being a “states-rights-only” issue. It merely ruled that the constitution does not grant a right to abortion, and even Kavanaugh’s concurring opinion said that it is now up to “elected lawmakers” in both the “state” and “Congress” to choose their laws. Leaders from BOTH the pro-life and pro-choice movement agree on one thing: Federal laws regulating abortion ARE constitutional, and in fact many federal, medical and insurance-related regulations exist, and were affirmed by Trump’s conservative-majority Supreme Court, such as the ACA and EMTALA, despite Republican challenges to those laws’ constitutionality. The 10th amendment allows the federal government to regulate inter-state commerce, and the 5th and 14th amendments protect a PERSON’S right to “life, liberty or property.” In the context of abortion, “person” can include the pregnant woman and/or the unborn child. Finally, both Democrat and GOP legislators have proposed and voted on federal abortion-related bills (such as the Women’s Health Protection Act, Protect Babies Born Alive Act).
Bottom line: federal legislators and Supreme Court justices have affirmed the constitutionality of federal abortion-related proposals, and we have seen what happens to women and unborn children, when left unprotected by federal safeguards.
In the past two years, the headlines are full of stories of medical providers sending pregnant women away to sanctuary states, hospitals delaying life-saving treatment and miscarriage care, and women dying, while pro-life laws get blamed for medical malpractice and industry-level misinformation and fearmongering… Did you know that abortionists routinely avoid giving the fetal digoxin shot, or any fetal pain relief/fetal anesthesia? This means that thousands of viable, fully formed second-trimester babies, are dismembered while ALIVE and AWAKE to feel the whole thing, every year, and sometimes born alive, then left to die via medical neglect or worse… Women are not being told full information beforehand and suffer traumatizing consequences. Many states do not accurately or fully report their maternal/fetal outcome related data. Only federal legislation can prevent states from continuing these human rights violations, can offer exceptions that aren’t covered in certain states and dismantle any perception or localized barrier to women seeking life-saving pregnancy care.