Only women should vote on Abortion

I think this long time issue would resolve itself if you were only able to vote on abortion if you have a uterus. I know this sounds extremely far fetched but it’s a WOMAN’S body and should be womens’ decision on policy. Men that this will never affect should not have a voice in this issue. It should be between the woman, her situation and her doctor. Women deserve a louder voice on their own bodies and health.

Outsider looking in. Married with three kids. This does effect men! The child is half the mans to. If not they wouldnt have to pay child support. This is so unfair to men due to men cant walk away from an unwanted pregnancy forced 18 to 26 years on child support and cant say yes or no to an abortion of a unwanted or wanted pregnancy. It takes 2 to make cause a pregnancy it should take 2 to abort or keep one. Unless one party isnt avaliable for reason… Abortion shouldnt be a normalcy. It should be a special case need only. It should be more private, and abortion clinics shouldnt be everywhere. I do understand its a lot deeper and more involved then this makes it sound. There’s alot more to it. To me a very sad sometimes necessary thing. Somthing to think about. Would like to hear your and others thoughts.

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What about a man’s right to fight for his child’s life!!