100% Disabled Veterans compensation increase

Please give our 100% disabled veterans a compensation increase so they live above the poverty level. Many cannot work or working is a difficult Hardship. The people who put their live on the line deserve to live a reasonable comfortable life. The 2.6% increase is not enough to survive in this economy. The price of Rent, food, clothing, electricity, water, taxes, car payments, insurance, etc. is outrageous. Many disabled veterans have families that they need to support. I propose a 50% increase for 100% disabled veterans not the Proposed 2.6% which is a slap in the face to our veterans.
2025 VA Disability Rates: Updated Compensation Pay Chart2024-11-16T05:00:00Z


One of President-elect Trump’s first priorities should be to make the VA functional! I have a close personal friend who has suffered extreme dental pain because the VA is a bureaucratic red tape nightmare! Trump made it easier to fire VA employees who fail to properly complete their responsibilities. Biden reversed Trump’s actions!! Hopefully Trump will reinstate those policies and also once again, make it possible for veterans to get IMMEDIATE help in the private sector at VA expense whenever the VA creates delays that are harmful or painful to veterans! He had severe painful dental issues. The VA dentist diagnosed a major problem but then told him he was only authorized to diagnose the problem but he was NOT authorized to fix the problem!! The dentist said (in context) “I’ve only been authorized to diagnose the problem but I’m not authorized yet to treat the problem!” He then had to jump through bureaucratic hoops taking weeks to receive treatment, all the while being in terrible pain with an exposed nerve due to a failed filling. Calls to the VA go unanswered or are never returned when messages are left… Many VA employees just don’t care and know they can’t be fired. It’s utterly ridiculous. Hopefully, this will be fixed. Our veterans deserve better. Lawmakers urge VA to reduce backlog, wait times on veterans’ claims for benefits | Stars and Stripes


Agreed…Biden did our veterans a great disservice by undermining Trump’s work on this issue and many others. Veterans should have a health insurance card that allows open access to healthcare in their communities. The wait times are extremely long and unfair.
The Va did an ultra sound on my friend that showed fibroids. She was sent to a community care doctor for treatment and the only medical record they sent was a flu vaccine from 10 yrs ago wasting every one’s time because there was nothing the community doctors could do. She had to go back to the Va for a second ultrasound and still nothing had been done to treat the problem or symptoms.
The lack of care and professionalism is shocking and disgraceful.


Congress created bill HR7777 that was recently passed through the Senate, and it’s supposed to increase veteran compensation by 2.5% to stop veteran homelessness, and it’s an insult. That’s about a $40 to $50 increase, and veterans can’t use that for nothing in inflation. Congress tied the veteran 2.5% increase to the SSI cola and SSI recipients are being cheated out of their cola, because the wrong data is being used and Congress know all about it. Look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSIiZbk7wq8

The best result for veterans is to demand HR7777 be revised to include BAH at the rental market rate be added to bill HR7777 which has already passed the senate, because it doesn’t resolve the issue that it was created to resolve of inflation outpacing veteran compensation. The reason why active duty military soldiers aren’t homeless is because of privatized housing and BAH that helps them pay for their privatized rental on base. Government has to end veteran homeless by creating veteran base housing in the long term, but in the short term issuing BAH. The VA has to stop giving VA grants to businesses, then allowing those businesses to seek VA record releases from veterans in order for veterans to get VA rental assistance from the grant. This is an invasion of the veterans’ privacy, since all records need to remain secured within the VA. The VA doesn’t conduct oversight to see if intake processing rooms meet privacy requires and businesses computers used to load and upload DD214s and other financial information from the veteran and their family living in the home is secured. Making sure maintained records are compliant according to HIPAA regulations. To better safeguard the veteran’s privacy, the VA should handle all the veteran’s financial needs instead of selling the veterans’ privacy over to businesses applying for VA grants. That money belongs to veterans, and VA grants need to turn into monthly BAH for veterans. Veterans should sue for this invasion of privacy that the VA has imposed upon veterans a business has no right to VA records or military service records to prove you are a veteran or have a certain disability. Veterans come with many medical disabilities, and it’s ashamed that The Department of Veterans Affairs doesn’t respect the privacy of veterans and should be held accountable.

Calling the VA for an appointment is terrible due to long waiting periods. If they send you to the right place, and they pick up the phone, sometimes they’ll immediately reroute the call to the operator or hang up. Tricare needs to take over with the appointments. And veterans should have the special privilege of using VA health insurance where ever it’s accepted without having to get permission from the VA facility.