Veterans Disability

Bill Title: Veterans Disability Compensation Enhancement Act

Bill Summary: This bill proposes a 200% increase in Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation payments for all veterans with service-connected disabilities. This substantial adjustment is designed to address the rising costs of living and to ensure that veterans receive adequate financial support to maintain a dignified standard of living.

Section 1: Purpose The purpose of this bill is to provide a significant increase in disability compensation for veterans rated as disabled due to service-connected conditions. This increase is essential to ensure that veterans can adequately support themselves and their families in light of rising living costs, healthcare expenses, and inflation.

Section 2: Definitions

  • 100% Disabled Veteran: A veteran who has been rated by the VA as having a total disability that is service-connected.
  • Disability Compensation: A tax-free monetary benefit paid to veterans who are disabled by injuries or diseases that were incurred or aggravated during active military service.

Section 3: Current and Proposed Compensation Rates The following outlines the current VA disability compensation rates effective December 1, 2023, and the proposed rates reflecting a 200% increase:

Disability Rating Current Rate (2023) Proposed Rate (200% Increase)
10% $171.23 $513.69
20% $338.49 $1,015.47
30% $524.31 $1,572.93
40% $755.28 $2,265.84
50% $1,075.16 $3,225.48
60% $1,361.88 $4,085.64
70% $1,716.28 $5,148.84
80% $1,995.01 $5,985.03
90% $2,241.91 $6,725.73
100% $3,737.85 $11,213.55

Section 4: Implementation of Compensation Increase

  1. The VA shall implement the 200% increase in disability compensation rates effective January 1, 2025.
  2. The VA shall provide written notification to all eligible veterans regarding the adjusted compensation rates.
  3. The increased compensation shall be adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to ensure continued alignment with cost of living increases.

Section 5: Rationale

  1. Economic Hardship: Many veterans face significant economic challenges due to their disabilities, which often prevent them from securing stable employment. A 200% increase in compensation is necessary to provide financial stability.
  2. Inflation and Rising Costs: The cost of living has risen dramatically, affecting essential expenses such as housing, healthcare, and transportation. The current compensation rates do not adequately reflect these rising costs.
  3. Quality of Life: Veterans have made significant sacrifices for their country. Providing them with adequate financial support is essential to ensure they can lead fulfilling lives and support their families.
  4. Supporting Families: Many veterans are the primary caregivers for their families. A substantial increase in compensation will help ensure that these families can maintain a stable and healthy living environment.
  5. Moral Obligation: The nation has a moral obligation to care for those who have sacrificed so much for its freedom and security. Providing a substantial increase in disability compensation is a necessary step to fulfill this obligation and demonstrate gratitude for their service.

Section 6: Conclusion The Veterans Disability Compensation Enhancement Act is a critical measure to ensure that all disabled veterans receive the financial support they need to navigate the challenges of daily life. By implementing a 200% increase in disability compensation, we reaffirm our commitment to those who have served and sacrificed for our nation. It is time to take action and ensure that our veterans are not left behind as the cost of living continues to rise.

End of Bill


This needs to happen immediately, especially in light of tax corruption