Why do we pay such exorbitant taxes for the government to squander our hard earned money on foreign wars and illegal immigration? We should have a CHOICE on where our taxes are going and what is being done with them. Do we want the best schools in the world? We could have that if everyone got to choose where their taxes went. Do we want the best infrastructure in the world? We could have that if we had the right to choose where our taxes were allocated. Do you want the freest country in the world? Well, you know how this goes. We need some degree of autonomy when it comes to where our taxes are used. This is a democracy is it not?
I PROPOSE that The People have the right to vote on where their federal taxes are allocated. There should be some percentage of tax designated to crucial federal services- but for items such as those listed above, infrastructure, education, healthcare etc., We The People have the right to allocate taxes where we see fit.