Yoga and Meditation in Public School Curriculum

I understand the Department of Education will be dissolved but is there a way to use some of that money as grants to help foster yoga and mediation as part of the states’ public school curriculum? All the science and studies show that it’s an overwhelmingly positive skill and practice for children to develop. There are a lot of yoga teachers out there struggling to find work so it shouldn’t be difficult to fill positions. Grant money would go to the teachers’ certification (if they don’t already have, yoga for kids/adolescents is a specific training), modest salaries and equipment (not much is needed other than mats and quiet rooms). It could become an optional course in high school as part of the physical education requirements but a mandatory half an hour (15 minutes each) per day ought to be incorporated for K-8. I can’t stress enough the tremendous benefits it has on so many kids, especially in this age of mental illness among the youth.


@Chattyswede Yoga and meditation are inherently non-religious. They are scientific disciplines of the body and mind. Religions may incorporate them into their culture like Hindu and Buddhism, but they can be taught and practiced properly independent of any religious discipline.


@Chattyswede The English language was used to create the Anglican Church and the King James bible. Every communication of worship is in English. Would you be opposed to children learning English? Yoga is a secular practice that predates Hinduism. It has been incorporated into Hinduism because it came from the same culture, but it is not fundamentally Hinduism. Yoga is literally the science of the body and mind connection. It has numerous scientific studies on its efficacy, as well as 5,000+ years of proven results. It can easily be taught without Sanskrit terminology and spiritual components. And as far as meditation is concerned, that is more secular than anything taught in schools. Even hard sciences take a leap of faith (absurd numbers in math, unexplained phenomenon in physics, etc.). It is simply observing one’s own body and mind.

This was in reply to a post that was deleted, but I’m going to leave it up for general argument’s sake.


Woah, I am 100% against Yoga and meditation. It is non-Christian. I am a former pagan and I can tell you meditation is VERY spiritually dangerous!! Our children should NOT be indoctrinated into these habits! School should be ACADEMIC ONLY and Sports. THAT IS IT!!!

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Yoga and meditation have NO PLACE in our schools period!

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That is 100% bullshit. Meditation is Pagan. And it is dangerous. I would not want my children learning yoga either. Yoga can actually be very dangerous. School is for ACADEMICS ONLY.

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@MAGA4Infinity I don’t know what your experiences are with yoga and meditation, and nothing is immune to criticism, but your claim that it’s pagan sounds pretty unhinged to me. Pagans practicing meditation is not the same as mediation being pagan. There are millions, if not billions, of people who practice or have practiced meditation and have never once considered paganism.

As far as the mandatory aspect, I should clarify: it’s if a school takes a grant. I don’t think it ought to be given to K-8 schools who make it optional. Makes it difficult to know for sure if the money is well spent. High School is different in the sense the students have more agency and the schools are larger than the feeder levels, so funding optional courses 9-12 would be appropriate in my opinion.

Go do your research! And I don’t care what your opinion of me is. I am an expert in the occult. Meditation is VERY dangerous. It is like playing with a Ouija board. It can cause blackouts, and sleep paralysis. Which is ALL demonic attack. You shouldn’t play with things you don’t understand. You are lucky I am an ex-pagan.

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@MAGA4Infinity A kitchen knife can be used to feed people or murder people. Meditation is a tool which if used properly can lead to tremendous mental and physical health benefits. All the reputable scientific studies conclude this. And there are thousands of years of testimonials. I’m sorry that you had a bad experience with it, but if we got rid of all medicine with potential side-effects there would be no medicine left…

Then you should have 0 trouble finding and sharing multiple sources of information confirming this claim.

American Psychological Association, Mayo Clinic, National Institute of Health, Scientific American and all the top university medical research programs (John Hopkins, Stanford, Harvard and every other Ivy League program, etc.) have done or cite numerous studies. A simple Google search would reveal overwhelming evidence in support of my claim. That doesn’t mean one can’t find contradictory information, even from credible sources, but the sheer volume of positive conclusions dwarfs the negative.

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Look @MKSJ I’m not proposing a blanket mandate on every single public school. But if local school boards, which are elected officials, decide that they want to incorporate it into their public school curriculum I think the newly-freed Department of Education funding should help support that. At least give the resources to allow enough schools to try it so the rest of the nation can see if it’s worth pursuing or not. These poor kids are suffering so many mental and physical health issues at such an alarmingly high rate that we’ve got to at least try something different to help them.

They need to remove your idea. You are clearly off your rocker. They need to make sure creeps and criminals are not allowed on this site. You come off as a new age pedo. Just look at your name “Serpentine Awakening” Give me a f*cking break! I am a best selling author btw. I also have a degree in Human Behavior. School is NOT for psychology it is for academics. But art therapy or anger management classes would be better than your new age occult CRAP! Here are just a few links on the dangers of yoga and meditation! I could list several MORE B!

THAT IS A BLATANT LIE. There are studies that prove they are BOTH DANGEROUS.

Bullshit they are religious they belong to the occult, which is PAGAN & EVIL.

@MAGA4Infinity A student got hurt playing sports. No more sports for students. A student got bullied during recess. No more recess for students. A student choked on their sandwich. No more lunch for students. Just about everything in life will harm someone, no matter the overall benefit. We wouldn’t be able to get out of our bed with your standard since everything we do in life has the potential to harm us. You’ve made your opinion known, but the science and anecdotal experiences are overwhelmingly positive so please stop spamming this thread with insults.


I’ll also have you know @MAGA4Infinity that my screen name is a reference to the Join or Die Flag by Ben Franklin, which depicts a snake cut into several pieces representing the various colonies before they united. I think that’s symbolic of the recent times and with this election we can finally unite and move forward much like they did 250 years ago.

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Sports are not pagan nor are they occult practices.

I posted several links that prove BOTH meditation and yoga are very dangerous.

On yogi becureful onstyils that as option for it ok manditation. Marishal arts help in dispine. Deo or Tao ,Buddhist common or sika both in use .yoga if general basic yoga help on carto stretching body back teacher more time if not.