Cease & desist any further involvement with the World Economic Forum. President Trump spoke to the 2025 World Economic Forum via live video feed and it has been announced that President Trump will be traveling to and addressing the 2026 World Economic Forum. By doing this President Trump and America give tacit approval to the goals of Klaus Schwab and George Soros and their countless anti-American & anti-Free Enterprise Capitalism enterprises.
Cease, desist ANY and ALL further relations with the World Economic Forum!
Did you watch Trump’s speech to the 2025 WEF?
I read the transcript, to be clear, he didn’t endorse anything about them, was complimentary of one of the corporate heads he spoke to, but this still lends his name and the office of the presidency to respectability of an organization that does not deserve respect.
If I understand correctly President Trump signed an EO to withdraw America from WHO (we should also withdraw from the UN), good for him, for America!
The World Economic Forum deserves no less from President Trump, America.
Gary, that is what I thought at first but after hearing Pres Trumps speak, I think he was giving them notice that AMERICA IS BACK and denouncing what they stood for. I think Trump is well aware of the threat that the WEF poses to this country and is pushing back. I do agree that the US should not give the WEF any money. The billionaires can pay for their own Davos retreat.
Skippy, I’m going to go with your analysis here, I hope you are correct. It still concerns me though as the White House website stated he will be attending next year’s WEF LIVE to address them.
Why bother to go?
And if he’s going to try to correct THEIR thinking why would they have him? WEF isn’t exactly looking for input from free enterprise capitalists or principled freedom lovers.
I still think it gives validity to them, gives WEF credence.
I pray YOUR analysis is correct though.
I agree with you. I watched the entire address. He mainly just said America will be great again and encourage American businesses. I wish he would of removed US involvment in the World Economic Forum completely.
I proposed a policy on this:
If I were the president, I would remove myself completely from Globalism and make the United States it’s own American Economic Forum.
If you want to watch the president’s adress at the World Economic Forum, heres a video:
Wholly agree with you Paul.
Agree with your well stated policy proposal.