End any US involvment in Globalism. Define Globalist organizations and members as an international elite-autocrat-conspiracy-covert-terrorist-syndicat-network. Their tools are to use capitalism or any means necissary to bring about their ideological One World Government agenda for totalitarian rule of the globe. These labels should apply to international entities such as: the World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organization, International Monitary Fund, Bank of International Settlements, Bilderberg Group, and any other entity that works to bring about the same or similar goals of autocratic totalitarian global rule.
With this label, the US should cease involvment with any entity or individual who calls themselves a Globalist member. Any American entity or individual should cease to participate in membership with such Globalist entities and interest.
The future should belong to the people and not the hands of the super-elite few who lie, hide, cheat, steal, manipulate, and aquire wealth and power to give rise to a global elite regime of total and absolute power.